File #: 22-461    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/27/2022 In control: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorization to Purchase One (1) Replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, Four Door Pick-up from Merced Chevrolet, for a Total Purchase Price of $42,377.80 REPORT IN BRIEF Approval to consider waiving the City's competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the purchase of one (1) replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total purchase price of $42,377.80. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Waiving the City's competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210, due to insufficient time and for standardization; and, B. Approving the purchase of one (1) Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total cost not to exceed $42,377.80; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents, the City Purcha...
Attachments: 1. Administrative Report No. 21-755, Approved by Council on 10/18/21, 2. Merced Chevrolet's Winning Bid from Adminstrative Report # 21-755

Report Prepared by: Jeremy Franklin, Battalion Chief, Fire Department.



SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorization to Purchase One (1) Replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, Four Door Pick-up from Merced Chevrolet, for a Total Purchase Price of $42,377.80



Approval to consider waiving the City’s competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the purchase of one (1) replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total purchase price of $42,377.80.



City Council - Adopt a motion:


A.  Waiving the City’s competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210, due to insufficient time and for standardization; and,


B.  Approving the purchase of one (1) Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total cost not to exceed $42,377.80; and,

C.  Authorizing the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents, the City Purchasing Supervisor to issue the Purchase Order. 




1.  Approve, as recommended by staff; or,

2.  Approve, subject to conditions other than recommended by staff; or,

3.  Deny; or,

4.  Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items; or,

5.  Continue to a future meeting.



Charter of the City of Merced, Article XI, Section 1111. - Competitive bidding, Supplies, materials or equipment and Merced Municipal Code (MMC), Title 3, Chapter 3.04, Article III - the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services of an estimated value greater than thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000.00), the "contract threshold," shall be made by the purchasing supervisor by written contract with the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with the procedures described in MMC Section 3.04.130.



As provided for in the FY 21/22 Adopted Budget.





The Merced Fire Department responded to 11,579 calls for service during the 2021 calendar year and employs 63 public safety members and four (4) support personnel to protect 23.3 square miles with an estimated population of 90,971 citizens. A number of highly trained specialized operation’s teams are utilized within the department to provide hazardous materials response, technical rescue, emergency medical services, aircraft rescue firefighting, and swift water rescue responses.


The department’s five (5) stations are strategically located throughout the city and are staffed with Pumper Engines, Aerial Ladder Trucks, Specialized Apparatus; Pickup Trucks, and Sports Utility Vehicles to carry out their mission. Firefighters depend heavily on the performance capabilities of its fleet of apparatus and vehicles when delivering emergency services to protect life, property and the environment of Merced. To provide emergency services without interruption, the department’s fleet of apparatus and vehicles must be in superior operating condition and be promptly replaced when adequate performance levels can no longer be assured. Replacing apparatus and vehicles is a necessary and costly expenditure yet is one of the most important capital assets in order to save lives and property.


When a new vehicle is added to the fleet, a vehicle replacement schedule is established for that vehicle, Prior to fiscal year 2010, regular contributions were made to the replacement fund thereby allowing for replacement of vehicles on their scheduled replacement date. However, due to financial constraints, regular contributions to the vehicle replacement fund were ceased in 2010. Consequently, vehicles have not been replaced as scheduled due to a lack of funding. Utilizing vehicles beyond their replacement due is not prudent, but in the short run is more cost effective than purchasing a new vehicle, however, firefighters need reliable vehicles when responding to an emergency incident. Time is of the essence when responding to save somebody’s life and a vehicle breaking down in route to an emergency incident could jeopardize the victim(s) health and safety and/or property.


“Support 55”, was placed in service in 2004 with a scheduled replacement date of 2014. “Support 55”, is an 18-year-old diesel pickup truck which is continually out of service, but when it is operable, it serves many purposes: it tows the rescue and hazardous materials trailers; it is placed in service when the primary Battalion Chief vehicle is out of service, it is utilized in call back situations when an additional Battalion Chief is placed in-service; and it is used as a Support Vehicle for Mutual Aid incidents. This vehicle has served us well, but given its increasing maintenance costs as well as unreliability, it will be disposed of at auction, and we are recommending replacement of the vehicle. Through fiscal conservancy, the department has identified $49,000, which could be used to replace “Support 55” using FY 21/22 funds, however, insufficient time exists to request bids for one crew cab, therefore we are requesting a waiver for the competitive bidding process.


Waiver of the Competitive Bidding Process


MMC 3.04.210 states that the “bidding threshold” may be waived with the approval of the city council and that waivers may be authorized for, but are not limited to, standardization on particular types of equipment.


We are requesting the waiver of the competitive bidding requirements for good cause as follows:

                     The crew cab pickup cannot be acquired through the normal purchasing process due to insufficient time,

                     Through the competitive bidding process, on October 18, 2021, City Council awarded a bid for 2 Chevrolet crew cab pickups to Merced Chevrolet at a cost of $42,377.80/each (Administrative Report No. 21-755 has been attached),

                     Merced Chevrolet has indicated that they will honor the previous bid for the new of one crew cab pickup, and

                     The proposed new crew cab pickup will standardize the current fleet of pickups that the fire department utilizes.



No appropriation of funds is needed; $42,377.80 of funding is available in account number 061-0926-523.43-00, 234901. Vehicle accessories will be absorbed in the department’s operating budget.



1.  Administrative Report No. 21-755, approved by Council on 10/18/21

2.  Merced Chevrolet’s Winning Bid from Administrative Report No. 21-755