Report Prepared by: Christopher Jensen, Director, Parks & Community Services
SUBJECT: Accepting and Appropriating Youth Community Access Grant in the Amount of $102,764 from the California Natural Resources Agency to Fund the Purchase of Two Hybrid Vehicles to Transport the Youth to Local, State and National Parks Through Parks and Community Services Outdoor Recreation Programs
Considers accepting and appropriating the Youth Community Access Grant from the California Natural Resources Agency. Grant funds will be used to purchase two Hybrid vehicles that will be used to transport program participants in the My City Mentoring and other outdoor recreational programs offered through Parks & Community Services.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Accepting the California Natural Resources Agency, Youth Community Access grant funds in the amount of $102,764; and,
B. Increasing revenue in the amount of $102,764 and appropriating the same in Fund 1018-Parks and Community Services- Project GR250000; and,
C. Authorizing the use of pooled cash to cover the expenses until grant funds are reimbursed; and,
D. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make the necessary budget adjustments; and,
E. Authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents.
1. Approve as recommended by staff; or,
2. Deny.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200
Charter of the City of Merced, Article IV, Section 405
Provide Youth Development Programs and Services that Promote Youth Involvement as identified in the FY 24/25 adopted City Council Goals & Priorities.
To reduce the cost associated with outdoor recreation programming, the Department of Parks & Community Services requested Council authorization to apply for the Youth Community Access Grant from the California Natural Resource Agency in 2023. The Youth Community Access Grant aims to support youth access to natural and cultural resources with a focus on low-income and disadvantaged communities. Parks & Community Services provides outdoor recreational opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Merced through the My City Mentoring and the CalVIP program. My City Mentoring activities include trips to local parks such as Applegate and Fahrens Parks, regional spaces such as the Merced & San Luis National Wildlife Refuge(s), and National Parks such as Yosemite. These trips foster many outcomes for participants but require ongoing supportive transportation to reduce transit barriers to these resources.
The requested grant funds would afford the department the ability to purchase two hybrid vehicles to reduce the overall cost of the program. Council adopted Resolution 2023-71, approving the application for the Youth Community Access grant. Parks & Community Services has since received notification of a grant award of $102,764 for the purchase of hybrid vehicles. The Youth Community Access grant extends the opportunity to more youth to benefit from the program while simultaneously reducing both the program expense and vehicle emissions.
Acceptance of the award would increase the departments revenue by up to $102,764 and appropriating the same to expense allowing for the purchase of two Hybrid new vehicles. There is no required local match for this grant program.
1. State of California Natural Resources Agency Grant Agreement #YA2171-0