Report Prepared by: John Ainsworth, Temporary Senior Engineer
SUBJECT: Administering Agency Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) - State Agreement for Federal Aid Projects and Approval to Accept Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Grant Funds, CML-5085(059) CP220066 CMAQ in the Amount of $993,417 for Traffic Signal Synchronization/Timing Along R Street, M Street, G Street, Yosemite Avenue, and Olive Avenue
Considers accepting $993,417 in Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant funding for Traffic Signal Synchronization/Timing along R Street, M Street, G Street, Yosemite Avenue and Olive Avenue.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Accepting CMAQ grant funds in the amount of $993,417 for construction costs of traffic signal synchronization; and,
B. Approving a budget amendment in the amount of $993,417 by increasing revenue in Fund 5005 - Street and Signal CIP and appropriating the same Project No. CP220066 for construction costs associated with the construction of traffic signal synchronization and timing; and,
C. Approving the use of pooled cash until reimbursement is received from the grant; and,
D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents; and,
1. Approve, as recommended by Staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to conditions other than recommended by Staff (identify specific findings and/or conditions amended to be addressed in the motion); or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items (specific items to be addressed in the motion); or,
5. Continue to a future meeting (date and time to be specified in the motion).
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200.
Caltrans Procedures for Administering Local Grant Projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STP) are used to comply with the changes to the programming and funding statutes brought about by Charter 622 of the Statues of 1997 (SB 45, KOPP). The procedures have been modified to remain consistent with and complimentary to the various guidelines and policies adopted by the California Transportation Commission (CTC), including the current 2010 STP Guidelines
(Adopted on October 14, 2009).
As provided for in the 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
On March 7, 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-12 granting CMAQ funds in the amount of $211,365 for Preliminary Engineering costs for the design of the traffic signal synchronization/timing project.
The purpose of the project is to update timing, coordinate the roadway for arterial and collector roadways, and synchronize the traffic signals. All work will be done within the existing City right-of-way along the following major throughfares: R Street from Main Street to Yosemite Avenue; M Street from Main Street to Iron Stone Drive; G Street from Yosemite Avenue to Farmland Avenue; Olive Avenue from Loughborough Avenue to Park Avenue, and Yosemite Avenue from El Redondo Drive to Mansionette Drive.
This portion of the project is for construction. The Federal-Aid Projects Program allows $993,417 in grant funds and a local match of $128,708 toward construction of this project.
Staff recommends accepting grant funds from the State of California adopted Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program, increasing revenue in Fund 5005 - Street and Signal CIP in the amount of $993,417 and appropriating the same Project No. CP220066 for the construction costs. Additionally, Fund 2009-Measure V Local Transportation will be used from CP250023-PTBD for the matching funds in the amount of $128,708.
This budget amendment will require an affirmative vote of 5 Council Members to pass.
1. E-76 CML-5085(052)
2. Location Map