Planning Commission Staff Report
Report Prepared by: Francisco Mendoza-Gonzalez, Senior Planner, Development Services Department
SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment #24-01, Northeast Yosemite Specific Plan Amendment #6, Zone Change #433, Establishment of Planned (P-D) Development #82, and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map #1329 (“Paulson Ranch”), initiated by Stonefield Home, Inc., property owner. The General Plan Amendment would amend the Merced General Plan Transportation and Circulation Element by modifying the City of Merced Circulation Plan (Figure 4.1) and all associated maps and descriptions throughout the General Plan, to eliminate Destiny Drive (a collector road) from going through the subject site to Paulson Road (extension). The Northeast Yosemite Specific Plan Amendment would modify the design, layout, and circulation of the residential subdivision previously approved for this site. The Zone Change would be a change in zoning from Medium Density Residential (R-3-2) for a 1.08-acre portion of the project site for the Establishment of Planned Development (P-D) #82 to allow for 16 of the 113 lots to be small lots between 2,200 square feet and 3,700 square feet (with a zero-lot-line development). The Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map would subdivide approximately 39.12 acres into 113 single family lots (mostly between 6,000 and 7,000 square feet). The subject site is generally located on the south side of E. Cardella Road, 1,900 feet east of G Street. *PUBLIC HEARING*
ACTION: Table (withdraw) this item (at the applicant’s request).
The developer is revising its proposal. The developer requests that this item be tabled to allow them to make modifications to its site plan and land use requests. After submission of the new proposal, staff will set a new public hearing date and prepare new notices of the hearing date and time.
Planning staff recommends that this item be tabled to allow the developer to make changes to its proposal.