File #: 22-386    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/4/2022 In control: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirement to Allow for the Purchase of Standardized Equipment and Approval of an Additional Agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc. for the Purchase and Installation of Two (2) Audio/Video Interview Rooms and a Five (5) Year Licensing and Data Storage Plan not to Exceed the Total Amount of $31,973.85 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers waiving the competitive bidding requirement pursuant to Merced Municipal Code section 3.04.210 for purchases necessary for standardization of particular types of equipment. Also, the approval of an additional agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc. for the purchase and installation of two (2) audio/video interview rooms. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code for standardization of equipment; and, B. Approving a 5-year agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc for the purchase and installat...
Attachments: 1. Axon Enterprises Inc. quote for interview rooms and Master Services Agreement


Report Prepared by: Joseph Perez, Lieutenant, Police Department



SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirement to Allow for the Purchase of Standardized Equipment and Approval of an Additional Agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc. for the Purchase and Installation of Two (2) Audio/Video Interview Rooms and a Five (5) Year Licensing and Data Storage Plan not to Exceed the Total Amount of $31,973.85



Considers waiving the competitive bidding requirement pursuant to Merced Municipal Code section 3.04.210 for purchases necessary for standardization of particular types of equipment. Also, the approval of an additional agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc. for the purchase and installation of two (2) audio/video interview rooms. 



City Council - Adopt a motion:


A.  Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code for standardization of equipment; and,


B.  Approving a 5-year agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc for the purchase and installation of two (2) audio/video interview rooms and a five (5) year licensing and data storage plan not to exceed the total amount of $31,973.85; and,


C.  Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents.




1.  Approve as recommended by staff; or

2.  Refer back to staff with direction; or

3.  Continue to a subsequent meeting; or

4.  Take no action



Article II and III of Title 3, Chapter 3.04, of the Merced Municipal Code relating to purchases of equipment and services (Section 3.04.080 and 3.04.120) and waiving of the competitive bidding requirements (Section 3.04.210).



As provided for in the 2021-22 Adopted Budget.



The Merced Police Department needs to outfit the new Downtown Station and the Central Station with interview rooms with the capability to record both audio and visual.  Recorded interviews are necessary in the investigative process to accurately depict statements given to police personnel.  The newly established Downtown Station is not currently equipped with such interview room and the current interview room at the Central Station is old and outdated.  Both interview rooms will be using Axon cameras.


The new interview rooms will be compatible with current Axon body worn cameras and in-car cameras regarding storage and access.  The Axon cameras record in high-resolution and record clear audio.  Axon stored videos give police personnel the ability to transcribe videos when necessary.   


Since the Merced Police Department and the City already use Axon Enterprises, the department is requesting the competitive bidding process be waived to allow for the purchase of standardized equipment.


The installation costs associated to this purchase are included in the quote.


The quote includes the purchase and installation of Axon audio/video in two (2) interview rooms and a five (5) year licensing and data storage plan.


Historical Actions


Council approved original Axon contract on 2-19-19 authorizing the purchase of body-worn cameras, conducted energy weapons (Tasers), Computer-aided Dispatch/Records Management system integration and redaction software for the Merced Police Department.  Total cost of the approved 5-year contract is $789,899.50.


Council approved additional Axon contract on 6-17-19 authorizing the purchase of 7 in-car cameras for patrol vehicles for the Merced Police Department.  Total cost of the approved 5-year contract is $67,049.85.


Council approved additional Axon contract on 10-4-21 authorizing the purchase of 15 in-car cameras for patrol vehicles for the Merced Police Department.  Total cost of the approved 5-year contract is $121,351.82.


This will be the fourth active agreement with Axon Enterprise Inc. All agreements total $1,010,275.02 over an 8-year period.  Agreements with Axon are typically stand alone in order to capture cost savings. 



No appropriation of fund is needed; funding is available within Measure Y FY2021-22 adopted budget.  Future year funding will be allocated through the budget process.



1.  Axon Enterprises Inc. quote for interview rooms and Master Services Agreement