Report Prepared by: Christopher Jensen, Director, Parks and Community Services
SUBJECT: Considers Extending Current Lease Agreement for the McNamara Youth Center with Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) and Symple Equazion for Youth Programming for a One Year Term with an Option to Extend an Additional One Year Term Next Year
Students With Aspiring Goals and Symple Equazion are requesting an extension of an existing lease concerning the McNamara Youth Center with the City of Merced. The current lease will be extended for this fiscal year with an option to extend next fiscal year. Lease terms also include an annual stipend of $7,500 for utilities and water, waste, sewage. This stipend is shared between all lessees of the facility and anything above and beyond the stipend will be billed to the leasing agencies.
Recreation and Parks Commission - Adopt a motion:
A. Reviewing and recommending approval or denial of the extension request of the contract with Students With Aspiring Goals and Symple Equazion for afterschool youth programming at the McNamara Youth Center.
1. Approve as presented by the Parks and Recreation Staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to other than recommended by Staff (identify specific findings and/or conditions amended to be addressed in the motion); or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to staff for consideration of specific items (specific items to be addressed in the motion);
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200.
As provided for in the 2022-23 Adopted Budget
The City of Merced and Students With Aspiring Goals in collaboration with Symple Equazion previously negotiated a lease for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for use of the McNamara Youth Center for afterschool programming. The organization has requested an extension of the lease as allowed for in the current agreement approved by City Council in 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.
Facility Use and Other Terms: The McNamara Youth Center offers several amenities that are not available within other recreational facilities. The City hopes to maximize the low-cost programming that is offered to the community through leasing the facility to Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) & Symple Equazion. SWAG & Symple Equazion are requesting facility use for afterschool programming. Coordination and responsibility for use will be coordinated between leasing entities as well as the City of Merced Parks & Community Services Department.
Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) & Symple Equazion will provide programming after school for students and families with limitations to private youth enrichment programs, care, and activities. The program will focus on providing services to students throughout the City in a location that is easily accessible to families in South Merced.
Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) & Symple Equazion will report program efforts on a quarterly basis to the Parks and Community Services Department which will be shared with the Recreation Commission and, if requested, City Council, on a quarterly basis. Lessee yearly performance measures will be shared with Council in consideration of any request to extend the lease. Specifics of the report can be found in the Lease Agreement, page 15, under “Communication”.
Per Council direction, this lease would be extended and secured for one additional fiscal year and will be considered for an additional extension by Council at the end of next fiscal year should Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) & Symple Equazion request an extension at that time.
Lessee and other leasing entities will be responsible to pay the costs of the monthly utility charges of this facility that exceeds the $7,500. Funding is available within Fiscal Year 22-23 adopted budget Fund 1018 Parks and Community Services and Fund 2004 Measure Y Parks and Recreation 20%.
1. 22-23 Lease Agreement with Students With Aspiring Goals (SWAG) & Symple Equazion for the McNamara Youth Center
2. Mid- Year Activity Report