Report Prepared by: Manuel Abeyta, Fire Marshal, Fire Department
SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Acknowledging Receipt of the Merced Fire Department’s Annual State Mandated Inspection Compliance Report Regarding the Inspection of Certain Occupancies for the Reporting Period of October 1, 2022, Through September 30, 2023, Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code §13146.4
Considers adopting a Resolution acknowledging receipt of the Merced Fire Department’s Annual Compliance Report regarding performance of annual inspections pursuant to California Health and Safety Code (HSC) §13146.4.
City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2023-84, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Acknowledging Receipt of a Report Made by the Fire Chief of the Merced Fire Department Regarding the Inspection of Certain Occupancies Required to Perform Annual Inspections in such Occupancies Pursuant to Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve with modifications; or,
3. Deny.
HSC §13145, §13146, §13146.2, §13146.3,§13146.4, and §17921(b).
This action aligns with the Public Safety focus by effectively mitigating fire hazards by performing regular inspections and enforcing fire safety regulations for the betterment of the community’s safety.
HSC §13145 and §13146 requires every city or county fire department or district providing fire protection services to enforce the fire code as adopted. More specifically, HSC §13146.2 and §13146.3 requires the fire department to annually inspect every building used as a public or private school, apartments/condos (three or more attached units and excludes all duplexes), hotels, motels, and lodging houses for compliance.
§HSC 13146.4 mandates every city or county fire department or district required to provide fire protection services per the above inspections to report its compliance to its administering authority and for them to acknowledge receipt of the reporting in a resolution or a similar formal document.
The Merced Fire Department maintains an up-to-date listing of all buildings within its jurisdiction and tracks which buildings must be inspected annually. On duty firefighters perform the majority of inspections, which are simple and routine while the Fire Prevention Bureau staff (One Fire Marshal and One Fire Inspector) inspect the more complex inspections where a higher level of expertise is needed. At the June 3, 2019, Council meeting, Council approved the second meeting in November as the date to receive the Fire Department’s Annual State Mandated Fire Inspection Compliance Report for the reporting period of October 1st through September 30th via a resolution.
Inspection Compliance
The Merced Fire Department conducted mandated inspections of 35 of the 35 Group E Occupancies (Public or private schools) and 508 of the 508 Group R Occupancies (hotels/motels, apartments, and certain residential care facilities) for the reporting period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023.
The department met the requirements of HSC §13146.4 for the reporting period.
There is no fiscal impact as a result of acknowledging the fire department’s compliance with certain State mandated fire inspections. The report seeks to communicate with the governing authority about the department’s level of compliance with state mandated safety inspections.
1. Resolution 2023-84
2. SB 1205