Report Prepared by: Joey Perez, Police Captain
SUBJECT: Approval to Enter into a 3-Year Agreement with the Merced County District Attorney’s Office to Share the Cost of One (1) Crime Analyst for the Merced County Violence Interruption and Prevention (VIPER) Program
Considers approving a 3-year agreement with the Merced County District Attorney’s Office to share the cost of One (1) Crime Analyst for the Merced County Violence Interruption and Prevention (VIPER) program.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving of a Memorandum of Understanding with Merced County District Attorney’s Office to share the cost of one (1) VIPER Crime Analysts; and,
B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
1. Approve, as recommend by Staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to other than recommended by Staff; or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to Staff for reconsideration of specific items; or,
5. Continue to a future meeting.
Merced City Charter, Section 200.
As provided for in the 2024/2025 adopted budget.
In 2016, looking for outside sources of revenue to combat escalating violence, The District Attorney’s Office drafted a proposal for state funding to create an intelligence unit within the District Attorney’s Office. Based on previous multi agency gang investigations in Merced County, law enforcement leaders had concluded that an essential part of a successful gang interdiction strategy was state of the art intelligence analysis. Assemblyman Adam Gray agreed to pursue the necessary funds through the state budget process. Assemblyman Gray succeeded in obtaining $4.5 million for a three-year Merced County pilot project nicknamed VIPER (Violence Interruption and Prevention Emergency Response.
In 2017, the VIPER program became operational. VIPER has continued to assist law enforcement with their efforts to reduce violent crime. The mission of the VIPER program is to produce accurate and timely information regarding criminal activity, prioritizing crimes of violence, to law enforcement agencies throughout the county. VIPER is also committed to providing insight as to where resources can be deployed to curtail at-risk offenders from engaging in criminal activity.
The Merced Police Department and following agencies agree to commit to the following funding to support one full-time crime analyst position, total estimated annual cost $167,000:
Merced Police Department - $75,000.00
Los Banos Police Department - $50,000.00
Atwater Police Department - $34,000.00
Livingston Police Department - $8,000.00
This funding is included in the 2024/2025 General Fund Police budget.
1. MOU between City of Merced and Merced County District Attorney’s Office