Report Prepared by: Stephanie R. Dietz, City Manager
SUBJECT: Report on the Implementation of the City Council Adopted American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Strategic Investment Plan, Including Seeking Direction on Program Elements for the Stimulus Program, Utility Bill Relief Program and Other Reinvestment Options
Report on the implementation of the City Council adopted American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Strategic Investment Plan, including seeking direction from the City Council on program elements as they relate to the Stimulus Program, Utility Bill Relief Program, and other Reinvestment options the continued impact of COVID-19 to essential services.
Provide staff direction on program elements and reinvestment options related to the implementation of the ARPA Strategic Investment Plan and continued impact of COVID-19 to essential services.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200.
During the October 18, 2021, Study Session, Staff and Council reviewed the survey results and public input regarding the ARPA funding allocation. During the Study Session Council received input from the public and provided staff areas of interest for ARPA funding allocation.
During the November 1, 2021, Public Hearing, the Council received input from the community and provided a refined list of projects for staff to evaluate. Those projects include: Affordable Housing, Water - conservation & SB 244, Broadband, Applegate Zoo, Downtown - Public Spaces & Street Scape, CP-42/Sports Fields, Utility Bill Relief, Job Training, Tourism, Stimulus Payments, Expanded Youth Services, On-going Operational Needs, Kiddie Land/Non-Profit Support, and City Beautification.
In addition to the areas above, the City Council also considered a program for Universal Basic Income (UBI). After discussion, the Council voted 4-3 to not move forward with the program. For this reason, UBI was not evaluated for future direction.
During December 6, 2021, Public Hearing, the City Council adopted the ARPA Strategic Investment Plan that includes the following projects and funding:
Category |
Amount |
Affordable Housing |
$6,500,000 |
Water |
$2,500,000 |
Broadband |
$2,650,000 |
Applegate Zoo Renovation/Expansion |
$2,000,000 |
Bob Hart Square Expansion |
$800,000 |
Mainstreet Directional Enhancements |
$750,000 |
Parklets/Beautification |
$200,000 |
Community Park #42 |
$5,000,000 |
Tourism |
$0 |
Utility Bill Relief |
$1,000,000 |
Job Training Program |
$1,025,000 |
Stimulus Payments |
$1,000,000 |
Expanded Youth Programs |
$250,000 |
Non-Profit Support |
$1,500,000 |
COVID-19 City Expense |
$811,448 |
Est. Total |
$25,986,448 |
ARPA Allocation |
$27,427,882 |
Remaining Funds |
$1,441,434 |
As part of the Mid-Year Budget update in February of 2023, the City Council directed staff to evaluate potential options for re-investment and to return prior to the presentation of FY 2023-24 Budget to receive additional direction.
This report provides a financial and project update, including a separate update from the Youth Jobs Program, and allows for direction from the City Council to make any necessary changes to the final adopted FY 2023-24 Budget in June of 2023.
No impact on City resources at this time.
1. Presentation