File #: 22-478    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 6/2/2022 In control: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: SUBJECT: Approval of 3 Year Agreement With Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications) to Provide the City of Merced Legal Advertising Services REPORT IN BRIEF Awards an agreement for publishing legal notices to the Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications). RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving an agreement with the Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications) to provide the City of Merced legal advertising services.
Attachments: 1. Legal Advertising RFP.pdf, 2. Merced County Times Proposal.pdf, 3. Agreement.pdf
Report Prepared by: Jennifer Levesque, Assistant City Clerk, City Clerk's Office

SUBJECT: Approval of 3 Year Agreement With Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications) to Provide the City of Merced Legal Advertising Services

Awards an agreement for publishing legal notices to the Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications).

City Council - Adopt a motion approving an agreement with the Merced County Times (Mid Valley Publications) to provide the City of Merced legal advertising services.

1. Award bid as recommended by staff; or,
2. Refer to staff for further study; or,
3. Take no action.

Merced City Charter, Article IV-City Council, Section 419-Publishing of Legal Notices.

As provided for in the 2022-23 Proposed Budget.

Both the Merced Sun-Star and the Merced County Times have been adjudicated by the Merced Superior Court to be newspapers of general circulation as defined in Section 6000 of the Government Code, and therefore meet the requirements for legal advertising in Merced. The preference for legal notice advertising services in Fiscal Year 2019/2020 was awarded to the Merced County Times.

Section 419 of the Merced Municipal Code states that at least once every three (3) years, a request for proposal shall be sent out for the publication of all legal notices.

The City Clerk's Office solicited bids for advertising services from both the Merced Sun Star and the Merced County Times. Both publications expressed interest but only the Merced County Times submitted a proposal by the deadline. The rates set by the Merced County Times are as follows:

Legal Advertising Rates:

Merced County Times

Merced Sun-Star
Per line rate .........$ 0.462/line

Per line rate ........N/A
Column Width .......1.632"
Column Width......N/A

Difference between Quotes

Per line rate ........N/A

Government Code regulates the determination if a legal notice i...

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