File #: 22-461    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/27/2022 In control: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorization to Purchase One (1) Replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, Four Door Pick-up from Merced Chevrolet, for a Total Purchase Price of $42,377.80 REPORT IN BRIEF Approval to consider waiving the City's competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the purchase of one (1) replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total purchase price of $42,377.80. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Waiving the City's competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210, due to insufficient time and for standardization; and, B. Approving the purchase of one (1) Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total cost not to exceed $42,377.80; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents, the City Purcha...
Attachments: 1. Administrative Report No. 21-755, Approved by Council on 10/18/21, 2. Merced Chevrolet's Winning Bid from Adminstrative Report # 21-755
Report Prepared by: Jeremy Franklin, Battalion Chief, Fire Department.

SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorization to Purchase One (1) Replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, Four Door Pick-up from Merced Chevrolet, for a Total Purchase Price of $42,377.80

Approval to consider waiving the City's competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the purchase of one (1) replacement Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total purchase price of $42,377.80.

City Council - Adopt a motion:

A. Waiving the City's competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210, due to insufficient time and for standardization; and,

B. Approving the purchase of one (1) Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, four door pick-up from Merced Chevrolet for a total cost not to exceed $42,377.80; and,

C. Authorizing the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents, the City Purchasing Supervisor to issue the Purchase Order.

1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to conditions other than recommended by staff; or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items; or,
5. Continue to a future meeting.

Charter of the City of Merced, Article XI, Section 1111. - Competitive bidding, Supplies, materials or equipment and Merced Municipal Code (MMC), Title 3, Chapter 3.04, Article III - the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services of an estimated value greater than thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000.00), the "contract threshold," shall be made by the purchasing supervisor by written contract with the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with the procedures described in MMC Section 3.04.130.

As provided for in the FY 21/22 Adopted Budget.


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