Report Prepared by: Paul Flores, EIT, Assistant Engineer
SUBJECT Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Mead & Hunt, Inc., a Wisconsin Corporation to Provide Construction Administration Services for the Merced Yosemite Regional Airport's Improvement Project CP230073, in a not Exceed Amount of $936,446, Based on the Consultant Hourly Rates Listed Within the Agreement for the Contract Period Ending December 31, 2026
Considers approving the Professional Service Agreement for Construction Administration Services for the Merced Yosemite Regional Airport's Improvement Project in the amount of $936,446. The service provided under the agreement will be funded by the projects budget as required through the contract period ending December 31, 2026, at the hourly rates set forth in each respective agreement.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving the Professional Service Agreement with Mead & Hunt, Inc., a Wisconsin Corporation to provide Construction Administration Services for the Merced Yosemite Regional Airport's Improvement Project in the amount not to exceed $936,446, for a contract period ending December 31, 2026; and,
B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to sign the necessary documents; and,
C. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make necessary budget adjustments.
1. Approve as recommended by staff;
2. Approve subject to conditions outlined by Council;
3. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items;
4. Continue to a future meeting;
5. Deny.
City of Merced Charter Section 200, Powers.
The Engineering Department is requesting Mead and Hunt, Inc. to provide Construction Administration support throughout the construction phase for the Merced Yosemite Regional Airport's improvement project. The project calls for the construction of a new 11,000 square-foot airport terminal.
Mead and Hunt, Inc. has been working with City staff t...
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