File #: 22-513    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 6/17/2022 In control: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: SUBJECT: Authorization to Accept an In-Kind Donation of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. to be Used to Remove and Replace the Gazebo at McNamara Park REPORT IN BRIEF Considers accepting an in-kind donation of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. To remove and replace the gazebo at McNamara Park. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion accepting an in-kind donation of $9,000 from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. to remove and replace the gazebo at McNamara Park and bringing an agreement back to Council at a later date.
Attachments: 1. Donation Acceptance Form.pdf

Report Prepared by Stephanie R. Dietz, City Manager



SUBJECT: Authorization to Accept an In-Kind Donation of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. to be Used to Remove and Replace the Gazebo at McNamara Park



Considers accepting an in-kind donation of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. To remove and replace the gazebo at McNamara Park. 



City Council - Adopt a motion accepting an in-kind donation of $9,000 from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC. to remove and replace the gazebo at McNamara Park and bringing an agreement back to Council at a later date.




1.  Approve, as recommended by staff; or,

2.  Deny; or,

3.  Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items; or,

4.  Continue to a future meeting (date and time to be specified in the motion).



Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200.

Administrative Policy and Procedures A-49 (Donation and Gift Policy)



The Parks and Community Services Department has received a donation from Centurion Boats Fineline Industries, LLC, located in the City of Merced.  Centurion Boats will remove and replace the gazebo located at McNamara Park.  The gazebo will be available for members of the public to use while visiting the park.


Per the donation policy, the donation acceptance agreement will come back to the Council at a later date.



Accepting the in-kind donation of $9,000.



1.  Donation Acceptance Form