Report Prepared by: Frank Quintero, Deputy City Manager and Director of Economic Development
SUBJECT: Rescind a Previously Approved Purchase and Sale Agreement with Dkota Investments, Inc, for a 3.1-Acre Site in the Airport Industrial Park, and Approve a Proposed Purchase and Sale Agreement with Dkota Investments, Inc., for a 2.74 Acre Site in the Airport Industrial Park for $383,600.00 Located at 151 Hawk Drive Also Known as APN 059-420-013 for the Construction of a Warehouse Building
Staff is requesting that Council cancel a previous Purchase and Sale Agreement with Dkota Investments, Inc. for a 3.1-acre site in the Airport Industrial Park, and consider the terms contained in a new Purchase and Sale Agreement for the disposal of a 2.74-acre site in the Airport Industrial Park for $383,600.00 for the construction of an 11,478 square-foot warehouse building.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Rescinding the previous Purchase and Sale Agreement with Dkota Investments, Inc., for a 3.1-acre site located at 157 Hawk Drive (APN 059-420-012) considered on September 9, 2022; and,
B. Approving the terms of the new Purchase and Sale Agreement with Dkota Investments, Inc., for the disposition of 2.74-acre site located at 151 Hawk Drive (portion of APN 059-420-013); and,
C. Appropriating $23,016.00 in Fund 5003-Airport Industrial Park from the proceeds of the sale to pay for Real Estate Commission; and,
D. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents and make minor adjustments to the Purchase and Sale Agreement as needed (not effecting the purchase price).
1. Approve as recommended by Staff; or
2. Approve, subject to conditions as specified by the City Council; or,
3. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items as requested by the City Council; or
4. Defer action until a specific date; or
5. Deny the request.
Charter of the City ...
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