SUBJECT: Second Reading and Final Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones;" and Section 10.28.380, "Stop Intersections Designated," of the Merced Municipal Code
Second reading and final adoption of Ordinance 2554 an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, amending section 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones;" and Section 10.28.380, "Stop Intersections Designated," of the Merced Municipal Code
City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Ordinance 2554, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, amending section 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones;" and Section 10.28.380, "Stop Intersections Designated," of the Merced Municipal Code.
1. Approve, as recommended by the Traffic Committee; or,
2. Modify ordinance for introduction; or,
3. Deny.
This request amends Section 10.28.230 and 10.28.380 of the Merced Municipal Code (MMC).
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) gives a local body (or official) jurisdiction for traffic control devices, provided the devices are installed in accordance with the State Traffic Manual.
Not applicable.
At the meeting of July 7, 2023, the Traffic Committee approved the addition of a no parking zone on the South side of 312 W. Main Street.
The Traffic Committee was requested by a citizen that states vehicles are parking in a non-designated space and will often partially block the entrance to the business.
At the meeting of July 7, 2023, meeting, the Traffic Committee approved the addition of a two-way stop on M Street at the intersection with 11th Street.
The Traffic Committee was requested by a citizen who states that the lack of speed limit signs and the excessive speeds of passing vehicles make this area dangerous for children and residents. To aid in a solution, the traffic committee offered the two-way intersection.
Minor Change to Previously Intro...
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