Report Prepared by: Amanda Williams, Economic Development Associate
SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Adoption of a Resolution to Consider Public Input Regarding the Establishment and Levying of an Assessment for the Formation of a Tourism Based Improvement District (TBID) as Authorized in Merced City Council Resolution 2024-92
The Council is being asked to hold a public hearing for public input regarding the establishment and levying of an assessment to create a Tourism Businesses Improvement District (TBID) as contained in Merced City Council Resolution 2024-92.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Adopting Resolution 2024-112, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Declaring Results of the Majority Protest Proceedings and Establishing the Tourism Business Improvement District; and,
B. Adopting and approving the Merced Tourism Business Improvement District Management Plan; and,
C. Approving the Assessment for the Merced Tourism Business Improvement District; and,
D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents; and,
E. Approving the creation of Fund 4951-TBID and allowing the Finance Officer to make the necessary increases to revenue and expense budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 TBID Assessments.
1. Approve Resolution 2024-112 as recommended by Staff and Steering Committee; or,
2. Approve Resolution 2024-112 subject to modification as motioned by the City Council; or,
3. Refer to staff for reconsideration of Resolution 2024-112 as requested by the City
Council; or,
4. Defer action until a specific date; or,
5. Deny
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200; Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994; Sections 36600, et seq., to the California Streets and Highways Code.
City Goals & Priorities FY 24-25, Economic Development 7-2; Continue coordinating efforts to create a Tourism Based Improvement Distri...
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