Planning Commission Staff Report
Report Prepared by: Francisco Mendoza-Gonzalez, Senior Planner, Development Services Department
SUBJECT: Accept the Modified Resolution Recommending Denial to the City Council for General Plan Amendment #23-05, Zone Change #434, and Establishment of Planned Development (P-D) #81, and Adopt a Resolution of Denial for Conditional Use Permit #1276, Site Plan Review Permit #538, and Minor Use Permit #24-02.
Accept the Modified Resolution Recommending Denial for:
1) Environmental Review #23-45 (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
2) General Plan Amendment #23-05
3) Zone Change #434
4) Establishment of Planned Development (P-D) #81
Accept the Modified Resolution of Denial for:
1) Environmental Review #23-45 (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
2) Conditional Use Permit #1276
3) Site Plan Review Permit #538
4) Minor Use Permit #24-02
1) Environmental Review #23-45 (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
2) General Plan Amendment #23-05
3) Zone Change #434 (on appeal)
4) Establishment of Planned Development (P-D) #81
5) Conditional Use Permit #1276 (on appeal)
6) Site Plan Review Permit #538 (on appeal)
7) Minor Use Permit #24-02 (on appeal)
On April 3, 2024, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend denial to the City Council for General Plan Amendment #23-05, Zone Change #434, and Establishment of Planned Development (P-D) #81, and associated environmental review, and to deny Conditional Use Permit #1276, Site Plan Review Permit #538, Minor Use Permit #24-02, and associated environmental review. Staff modified the draft resolutions and findings, based on the reasons provided by the Planning Commission, and is asking the Planning Commission to accept the modified resolutions. The draft resolutions are attached for consideration and action at Attachments A an...
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