SUBJECT: REQUEST #24-17 Requesting Flashing Light Alerting Drivers That School Children Are Crossing, Stop Signs To Slow Down Traffic, Or A Left Turning Signal To Prevent Speeding Cars That Are Turning To Go Before Or After Children Safely Cross The Street.
Citizen states that the intersection at Alicia Reyes Elementary School, off of N St. and W. Childs Ave., currently does not have a left turn signal light at any of the 4 lights. During drop off and pick up times, when traffic increases the most, many children walk home and cross the street while vehicles speed through and pose a safety risk to the children. There should be a flashing light alerting drivers that school children are crossing, stop signs to slow down traffic, or a left turning signal to prevent speeding cars that are turning to go before or after children safely cross the street. Citizen also states that a crossing guard would help but would not be enough.