Report Prepared by: Maggie Lemos, Risk Analyst, Human Resources Department
SUBJECT: Approval of a Supplemental Appropriation from the General Fund in the Amount of $270,000 to Fund 7002-Workers Compensation Due to Increased Worker's Compensation Settlement Activity in Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Considers approving a supplemental appropriation in the General Fund in the amount of $270,000 to Fund 7002-Worker's Compensation due to higher than projected worker's compensation settlement activity than what was originally budgeted for in fiscal year 2022-2023.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving a supplemental appropriation from the unreserved, unencumbered fund balance of the General Fund in the amount $270,000, transfer to Fund 7002-Worker's Compensation and appropriate the same in Fund 7002-Worker's Compensation; and,
B. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
Article XI - Fiscal Administration.
As provided for in the 2022-23 Adopted Budget.
The City of Merced's Workers' Compensation program is a self-funded plan. During the annual budget process, the Human Resources department works with the City Attorney's office to estimate the needs of existing claims and pending settlements to recommend funding for this program. During this fiscal year, the City has experienced higher than anticipated workers' compensation settlement activity than what was originally budgeted for in fiscal year 2022-2023. The original budget for the payment of continuing permanent disability awards, lump sum compromise & release settlements and permanent disability advances for the 2022-2023 fiscal year was $588,952. We have settled claims for twelve employees totaling $652,734.33 which $267,103.45 was reimbursed by our excess Workers' Compensation carrier. This resulted in a total cost for settlements to the City of $385,630.88 in se...
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