Report Prepared by: Jeff Bennyhoff, Director of Information Technology
SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirement for Professional Services and Award Granicus a Contract for Website Redesign and Content Review Services in an Amount not to Exceed $222,061
Considers approving to waive the City's competitive bidding requirements of Professional Services pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the Professional Services Agreement with Granicus for website redesign and content review services in the amount not to exceed $222,061.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Waiving the City's competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 for Professional Services; and,
B. Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Granicus for website redesign in the amount not to exceed $222,061; and,
C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents or contracts; and,
D. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
1. Authorize agreement as recommended; or,
2. Refer to staff for further evaluation; or,
3. Deny.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200 and Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04
As provided for in the 2023-24 Adopted Budget.
In 2015 the City entered into an agreement with Civica, now Granicus, for a new website and website content management system. In 2018, a minor web site re-design and website content management system update was performed by Granicus. The City is approaching ten years from when a major re-design and complete content review of its website was last performed.
The website content management system allows each department to update and maintain their own content on their respective web pages. However, due to competing priorities and limited resources, departments find it challenging to allocate time to up...
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