Report Prepared by: A Vang, Engineer Technician IV, Engineering Department
SUBJECT: Award Bid to Tosted Asphalt, Inc. for the R St Sidewalk Replacement Childs Avenue to 13th Street, Project No. CP220024, for the Base Bid Amount of $116,479.12, and Bid Alternate Amount of $63,063.91, for a Total Award of $179,543.03
Considers awarding a Construction Contract to the Lowest Responsive Bidder, Tosted Asphalt, Inc., for the base bid amount of $116,479.12, and bid alternate amount of $63,063.91, for the Project CP220024 - R St. Sidewalk Replacement Childs Avenue To 13th Street Project.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Awarding the R St. Sidewalk Replacement Childs Avenue To 13th Street, Project No. CP220024 to Tosted Asphalt, Inc, in the award amount of $179,543.03; and,
B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents and to approve change orders not to exceed 10% of the total contract; and,
C. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make necessary budget adjustments.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to conditions other than recommended by staff (identify specific findings and/or conditions amended to be addressed in the motion); or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items (specific items to be addressed in the motion); or,
5. Continue to a future meeting (date and time to be specified in the motion).
Charter of the City of Merced, Article II, Section 200 - Powers, City of Merced and Article XI, Section 1109 - Contracts on Public Works.
Merced Municipal Code, Chapter 3.04, Article IV - Public Works Contracts.
As provided for in the FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget.
In June 2021, Council adopted a motion to approve a project list for the Road Repair Accountability Act (SB1), Local Streets and Roads Funding. At that time Council allocated $150,000 for R Street Sidewalks Replace...
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