Report Prepared by: Kim Espinosa, Planning Manager, Development Services Department
SUBJECT: Approval of an Agreement for Services with Crawford and Bowen Planning Inc., for Environmental Services and a Deposit and Reimbursement Agreement with OP Development, Inc., Relating to the Annexation of the Branford Point Project to the City of Merced
Considers entering into an agreement for services with Crawford and Bowen Planning Inc., in the amount of $163,190 to perform environmental services for the annexation of the Branford Point project (48 acres on the west side of Lake Road between Bellevue Road and La Loma Road) to the City of Merced, and entering into a deposit and reimbursement agreement with OP Development, Inc., in the amount of $179,509 to fund the Crawford and Bowen contract and to reimburse for City staff time to manage the contract.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving an Agreement for Services with Crawford and Bowen Planning Inc., in the amount of $163,190 to perform environmental services for the annexation of the Branford Point project to the City of Merced; and,
B. Approving a Deposit and Reimbursement Agreement with OP Development, Inc., in the amount of $179,509 to cover the cost of the consultant contract ($163,190) and staff time ($16,319) for the administration of the environmental review process and contract; and,
C. Approving an increase of revenue in the amount of $63,190 to Fund 3000-Development Services-Other Revenue Developers account line and appropriating $63,190 to the Professional Services account line for payment to Crawford and Bowen Planning Inc.; and,
D. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the agreements.
1. Approving the Services and Reimbursement Agreements as recommended by staff; or,
2. Amending the Services and Reimbursement Agreements (with specific amendments to be specified in Council motion); or,
3. Direct staff t...
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