Report Prepared by: Dan Arnold, Public Works Manager - Operations
SUBJECT: Purchase of an Articulating Telescopic Aerial Device Through a Government Procurement Program and Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirement.
Consider authorizing the purchase of one Articulating Telescopic Aerial Device using the National Joint Powers Alliance Government Procurement Program for $138,295.00, and waiving the competitive bidding process.
City Council - Adopt a motion waiving the competitive bidding requirements of Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 to allow the purchase of the Articulating Telescopic Aerial Device from National Joint Powers Alliance; and, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Altec Industries, Inc. for the purchase of an Articulating Telescopic Aerial Device for $138,295.00.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to other than recommended by staff (identify specific findings and/or conditions amended to be addressed in the motion); or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items (specific items to be addressed in the motion); or,
5. Continue to a future meeting (date and time to be specified in the motion).
Municipal Code Section 3.04.210.
The purchase of this equipment provides the Public Works crew with the equipment needed to perform their duties.
The Public Works Department, Street Light/Traffic Signal Division performs routine and emergency operations and maintenance of the City's 6,800 street lights and 68 traffic signals. A new Articulating Telescopic Aerial truck is needed to maintain the City's street light and traffic signal system.
The fiscal year 2015-2016 budget approved by the City Council includes funds to replace one Articulating Telescopic Aerial Device. Vehicle number E-959 is 13 years old, has been driven 120,322 miles, w...
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