Report Prepared by: Dan Dabney, Captain, Merced Police Department
SUBJECT: Award Bid to Thunderbird Maintenance, Inc. for Graffiti Abatement for a Period of Three Years, in the Amount of $752,892.66 with the Option to Renew for Two Additional One-Year Periods, for the Cumulative Total Amount of $1,319,653.38
Considers awarding a Services Agreement for graffiti abatement to Thunderbird Maintenance, Inc for a term of three (3) Years, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, for the cumulative total amount of $1,331,653.38 for the five-year period.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Awarding a Services Agreement for the Graffiti Abatement bid to Thunderbird Maintenance, Inc totaling $752,892.66 for the three-year period, with option to renew two (2) one-year terms for a cumulative total not to exceed 1,319,653.38; and,
B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents; and,
C. Authorizing the Finance Officer to any necessary budget adjustments.
1. Authorize agreement as recommended: or,
2. Refer to staff for further evaluation: or,
3. Deny.
Merced Municipal Code Section 8.36.070 - Right of City to Remove Graffiti.
As provided for in the 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
The City of Merced graffiti abatement program's primary goal is to curtail crime by focusing on vandalism of public property.
At the City Council meeting of November 6, 2023, Staff proposed, and City Council approved extending the Purchase Order with Brisco Enterprises, dba. Thunderbird Maintenance, Inc. for up to 3 months for an amount not to exceed $20,365.20 per month spanning from November 1, 2023, through January 31, 2024. The total amount of the Purchase Order changed to $107,523.60. The actual start date was extended to December 2023 due to issues with city bond requirements.
At the City Council meeting of March 18, 2024, Staff proposed, and ...
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