Report Prepared by: Paul Flores, E.I.T. Assistant Engineer, Engineering Department
SUBJECT: Reject All Bids Received for Project No. CP230060 Merced Yosemite Regional Airport Terminal
Considers rejecting all bids received to construct the new airport terminal due to non-responsive bids.
City Council - Adopt a motion rejecting all bids received for Project No. CP230060 Merced Yosemite Regional Airport Terminal Project due to non-responsive bidders and direct staff to re bid project.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to conditions as specified by the City Council; or,
3. Deny the request; or,
4. Refer back to staff for reconsideration of specific items as requested by the Council.
Charter of the City of Merced, Article II, Section 200 - Powers, City of Merced and Article XI, Section 1109 - Contracts on Public Works.
Merced Municipal Code, Chapter 3.04, Article IV - Public Works Contracts.
The city council, in its discretion, when it is in the best interests of the city to do so, may waive any informalities or minor irregularities in any bid process, may reject any or all bids, or may accept the bid that best serves the public purpose even though it may not be the lowest. The city council may readvertise for bids or, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, proceed with the purchase of the materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services by negotiation in the open market.
As provided for in the FY 2022/2023 Adopted Budget.
On April 27, 2023, City staff received two (2) bids for the project with the following results:
|1010|Thompson Builders Corporation., Hilmar, CA
$ 15,093,216.00 |1010|AMG & Associates Inc.
$ 17,478,537.60
On April 28, 2023 Mead and Hunt reviewed both bid packets and stated multiple irregularities and/or missing items for both bids received.
On May 2, 2023, AMG & Associates (2...
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