Report Prepared by: Jonnie Lan, AICP, Principal Planner, Development Services Department
SUBJECT: Approval of the Annexation and Pre-zoning Application #23-03, Adoption of a Pre-Annexation and Development Agreement, General Plan Amendment #23-04, Establishment of Planned Development #80, Adoption of VST Specific Plan and Environmental Review #23-44 all Initiated by the Virginia Smith Trust (VST), Property Owner
Considers approving the proposed annexation and pre-zoning of 654 acres of land generally located near the northeast corner of Cardella Road and Lake Road (4600 Lake Road -APNs 060-010-004 and 060-020-048), along with adoption of a Pre-Annexation and Development Agreement, changes to the text of the General Plan, creation of a Planned Development Zone and adoption of the VST Specific Plan.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving Resolution 2024-13, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Acting as a Responsible Agency Adopting the Final Focused Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the VST Annexation (Environmental Review #23-44), and Adopting the Statement of Facts and Findings Required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15091, a Mitigation Monitoring Program, and a Statement of Overriding Considerations For Environmental Review #23-44; and,
B. Approving Resolution 2024-14, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Approving General Plan Amendment #23-03 Which Amends Certain Text and Figures Within the General Plan and Adopting the VST Specific Plan Which Establishes the Standards and Guidelines for the Development of Approximately 654 Acres of Land Generally Located at the Northeast Corner of Cardella and Lake Roads (4600 Lake Road); and,
C. Approving Resolution 2024-15, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, to the Local Agency Formation Commission for the Annexation of Uninhabited Property Located at 4600 Lake Road Gen...
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