Report Prepared by: Gabriel Williams, Software Analyst
SUBJECT: Approval of a Three-Year Contract for RecTrac Management Software, Support, Hosting, and Migration Services with Vermont Systems in the Amount of $54,154 and a 5% Contingency of $2,708 for a Total Contracted Amount of $56,862
Considers approving to waive the competitive bid process and approving procurement through Vermont Systems' multiyear contract in a not to exceed amount of $56,862.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code for standardization; and,
B. Approving the Services Agreement with Vermont Systems; and,
C. Approving the Hosting Services Agreement (HSA) with Vermont Systems; and,
D. Approving the PayTrac Payment Services Addendum (PTPSA) with Vermont Systems; and,
E. Approving the Sub-Merchant Application and Agreement (SMAA) with Vermont Systems; and,
F. Approving the Terms of Service (TOS) with Vermont Systems; and,
G. Approving the Annual Services Quote with Vermont Systems; and,
H. Approving the Hardware Quote with Vermont Systems; and,
I. Authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute the necessary documents.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to conditions as specified by the City Council; or,
3. Deny the request; or,
4. Refer back to staff for reconsideration of specific items as requested by the Council.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200
As provided for in the FY 24/25 Adopted Budget.
The City entered into an agreement in 2006 with Vermont Systems for their RecTrac software. This software is used by the Parks and Community Services department for managing business functions such as registration for services and events, as well as processing payments within the department. The current RecTrac softwar...
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