Report Prepared by: Leah Brown, Management Analyst, Development Services
SUBJECT: Approval of First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Precision Civil Engineering, Inc. for Various Zoning Code Updates
Considers approving the First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Precision Civil Engineering, Inc., extending the completion date to prepare various Zoning Code updates.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving the First Amendment to Agreement for Professional Services with Precision Civil Engineering, Inc. (PCE), extending the completion date to align with the extended grant end date to prepare various Zoning Code updates; and,
B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the agreements and any necessary documents.
1. Approve the agreement, as recommended by staff; or
2. Deny; or
3. Refer to staff for reconsideration of specific items.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200, et seq.
As provided for in the 2023-2024 Adopted Budget and the City Council's Pro-Housing Policies.
In March 2019, the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development listed a Notice of Funding Availability for Senate Bill 2 (SB2) Planning Grants Program. The goal of the program was to establish a permanent source of funding intended to increase the affordable housing stock in California. The City of Merced submitted an application that included a project to prepare a Tiny Homes Ordinance and to update various parts of the Zoning Code.
In February 2020, the city was awarded $310,000 of SB2 funding based on population. In June 2021, the city was awarded $300,000 in Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) funding. The LEAP grant was to end in 2023 but has been extended until the end of December 2024.
In November 2022, City Council authorized an Agreement for Professional Services wi...
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