SUBJECT: Second Reading and Final Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Sections 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones," 10.28.231, "No Truck Parking Zones," 10.28.275, "Disabled Persons - On-Street Parking," And 10.28.295, "Limited Time Parking Zones - Three Hours" of the Merced Municipal Code
Second reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Sections 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones," 10.28.231, "No Truck Parking Zones," 10.28.275, "Disabled Persons - On-Street Parking," And 10.28.295, "Limited Time Parking Zones - Three Hours" of the Merced Municipal Code.
City Council - Adopt a motion, adopting Ordinance 2558, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Amending Sections 10.28.230 "No Parking Zones," 10.28.231, "No Truck Parking Zones," 10.28.275, "Disabled Persons - On-Street Parking," And 10.28.295, "Limited Time Parking Zones - Three Hours" of the Merced Municipal Code.
1. Approve, as recommended by the Traffic Committee; or,
2. Modify ordinance for introduction; or,
3. Deny.
This request amends Section 10.28.230, 10.28.231, 10.28.275, and 10.28.295 of the Merced Municipal Code (MMC).
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) gives a local body (or official) jurisdiction for traffic control devices, provided the devices are installed in accordance with the State Traffic Manual.
Council directed at the October 2nd meeting, to post and make a no truck parking zone on the west side of West Ave from Eagle Street to Riggs Ave.
At the meeting of September 12, 2023, the Traffic Committee approved recommending the installation of 3-hour parking on the east side of B Street from Childs Avenue to the curve at 15th Street, the addition of one accessible parking stall east of B Street, approximately 460 feet north of Childs Avenue, and the addition of a no parking restriction on both north and south sides of 15th Street from G Street to approximate...
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