Report Prepared by: J.R. Wright, Information Technology Manager
SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Approval of Agreement for an Additional $60,000 Under the State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology) with PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG) Contract Amounts Totaling not to Exceed Amount of $140,000
Considers waiving the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code and approving the agreement for an additional $60,000 under the State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology) with PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG) contract amounts totaling not to exceed amount of $140,000.
City Council - Adopt a motion:
A. Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code due to piggybacking; and,
B. Authorizing the use of State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D1-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology); and,
C. Authorizing the purchase of an additional $60,000, for a not to exceed total of $140,000 of goods through PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG); and,
D. Authorizing the City Manager or the Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Refer back to staff for additional information; or,
3. Deny.
Charter of the City of Merced, Section 200.
As provided for in the FY 22/23 Adopted Budget.
In July 2022 Council adopted a motion approving the purchase of goods through PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG) in a not to exceed amount of $80,000. The City has primarily procured Dell laptops through PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration G...
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