Planning Commission Staff Report
Report Prepared by: Julie Nelson, Senior Planner, Development Services Department
SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment #22-03 (Amended), initiated by Eric Pluim on behalf of Gateway Park Development Partners, LLC, property owners. This application involves a request to change the General Plan roadway classification from Divided Arterial to Collector for a portion of Mission Avenue from Coffee Street east to the end of the City Limits at Tower Road (extended)**PUBLIC HEARING**
Recommendation to City Council
1) Environmental Review #22-25 (Addendum to General Plan EIR)
2) General Plan Amendment #22-03
1) Environmental Review #22-25 (Addendum to General Plan EIR)
2) General Plan Amendment #22-03
This is an amended request to amend the General Plan Circulation Element by changing the roadway classification from Divided Arterial to Collector for a portion of Mission Avenue from Coffee Street east to the end of the City Limits at Tower Road (extended). This change is requested to improve the circulation for future development in the area. Staff is recommending approval.
Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of Environmental Review #22-25 (Addendum to the General Plan EIR) and General Plan Amendment #22-03 (including the adoption of the Draft Resolution at Attachment A) subject to the conditions in Exhibit A and the findings/considerations in Exhibit B of the Draft Resolution.
Gateway Park Development Partners is requesting the road classification for a portion of Mission Avenue be changed from Divided Arterial to Collector. The Planning Commission previously took action on this request, but subsequently, the applicant amended the request. The new request is to change Mission Avenue from Coffee Street east to the City Limits at Tower Road (extended) from a Div...
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