Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Merced Civic Center, 678 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
Published agenda: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-165 1E.1 Consent ItemSUBJECT: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Minutes of December 10, 2024. ACTION Approving and filing the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Minutes of December 10, 2024. ATTACHMENTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Minutes of December 10, 2024.   Not available Not available
25-169 1F.1 Report ItemSUBJECT: Engineering Report REPORT IN BRIEF Engineering staff will provide informational items to the Commission regarding current projects or other items. This item does not require action by the Commission at this meeting.   Not available Not available
25-172 1F.2 Business ItemSUBJECT: Grant Opportunities REPORT IN BRIEF This item has been placed on the agenda for the Commission to inform staff of various grant opportunities pertaining to projects within the City’s Active Transportation Plan.   Not available Not available
25-170 1F.3 Report ItemSUBJECT: Commissioner Comments REPORT IN BRIEF Provides Commissioners an opportunity to make a brief announcement on any activities they have attended on behalf of the City and/or on future community events/activities that relate to active transportation. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body under this section.   Not available Not available
25-168 1G.1 Report ItemSUBJECT: Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) Update REPORT IN BRIEF Update Commission on the Multi-Jurisdictional Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) facilitated by the Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG). As mentioned in the last BPAC meeting of December 10, 2024, the development of the Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) is being led and funded by MCAG. A Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) provides a framework for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing roadway safety improvements on local roads. The LRSP is divided into two volumes - Volume I contains the plan vision and regional strategies, while Volume II contains jurisdiction-specific information and crash data and analysis. Though multi-jurisdictional, the LRSP development process considered issues and needs specific to local jurisdictions and contains content tailored to those communities. The process resulted in a prioritized list of issues, risks, actions, and improvements that can be used to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our local roads. Here is a link to the adopted plan:    Not available Not available
25-173 1G.2 Business ItemSUBJECT: Bike Month Discussion REPORT IN BRIEF The Commission will discuss Bike Month, including future activities and plans. DISCUSSION This is a standing item on the agenda for the Commission to discuss Bike Month, including future improvements or changes. The Commission should also discuss any activities, outreach, or education pertaining to Bike Month that it deems appropriate.   Not available Not available
25-171 1G.3 Business ItemSUBJECT: Requests to Add Items to Future Agenda REPORT IN BRIEF Provides Commissioners an opportunity to request that an item be placed on a future Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission agenda for initial consideration.   Not available Not available