Meeting Name: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority Agenda status: Final-Amended
Meeting date/time: 6/20/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Merced Civic Center, 678 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
Published agenda: Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Special Meeting Notice
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-518 1B.1. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS - Property: 3033 G Street, Merced, CA APN 007-350-009; Agency Negotiator: Frank Quintero, Deputy City Manager; Negotiating Parties: Eric Hamm Representing IOTA Properties and City of Merced; Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment   Action details Not available
23-514 1B.2. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: three (3) Potential Cases   Action details Not available
23-081 1H.1. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Reading by Title of All Ordinances and Resolutions REPORT IN BRIEF Ordinances and Resolutions which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and a summary title may be read with further reading waived. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion waiving the reading of Ordinances and Resolutions, pursuant to Section 412 of the Merced City Charter.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-489 1H.2. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only - Site Plan Review Minutes of April 13, 2023 RECOMMENDATION For information only.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-512 1H.3. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only - Planning Commission Minutes of April 5, 2023 RECOMMENDATION For information only.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-532 1H.5. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement with Renne Public Law Group, Doing Business as Renne Public Policy Group, for Additional Compensation of $3,000 and the Total not to Exceed Contracted Amount of $183,000 for Federal and State Representation for Legislative Advocacy REPORT IN BRIEF Considers the approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Merced and Renne Public Law Group, doing business as Renne Public Policy Group (RPPG), for additional compensation of $3,000 and the total not to exceed contracted amount of $183,000 for federal and state representation for legislative advocacy. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving the First Amendment to the Agreement with Renne Public Law Group, doing business as Renne Public Policy Group (RPPG), for additional compensation of $3,000 and the total not to exceed contracted amount of $183,000 for federal and state representation for legislative advocacy; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-475 1H.6. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Authorization of Signing Authority for City Bank Accounts and Local Agency Investment Fund REPORT IN BRIEF Considers granting the City’s Officers signing authority for City bank accounts and Local Agency Investment Fund. RECOMMENDATION City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2023-40, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, authorizing signature of City checks; and, B. Adopting Resolution 2023-41, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, authorizing investment of City of Merced monies in Local Agency Investment Fund; and, C. Adopting Resolution PFA 2023-01, a Resolution of the City of Merced Public Financing and Economic Development Authority authorizing signature of Authority checks; and, D. Adopting Resolution PFA 2023-02, a Resolution of the City of Merced Public Financing and Economic Development Authority authorizing investment of City of Merced monies in Local Agency Investment Fund; and, E. Adopting Resolution PA 2023approvedPass Action details Not available
23-508 1H.7. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Salary Tables for the Years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to Bring the City of Merced in Compliance with the CalPERS Requirement for a Publicly Available Pay Schedule REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving the Salary Tables for the Years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to bring the City of Merced in compliance with the CalPERS requirement for a publicly available pay schedule. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2023-52, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving the Salary Tables for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021and 2022; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-510 1H.8. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Property, Boiler and Machinery Insurance Renewal Through Alliant Property Insurance Program in the Amount of $1,049,070.11 for Program Year 2023/2024 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving the renewal of the City’s policy through Alliant Property Insurance Programs (APIP) at 55.88% premium increase, amounting to $1,049,070.44 for program year 2023/2024. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion A. Ratifying the renewal of the property and boiler and machinery insurance through the Alliant Property Insurance Programs (APIP), administered by Alliant Insurance Services for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-476 1H.9. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Approval of Agreement for an Additional $60,000 Under the State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology) with PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG) Contract Amounts Totaling not to Exceed Amount of $140,000 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers waiving the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code and approving the agreement for an additional $60,000 under the State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology) with PC Specialists Inc., dba Technology Integration Group (TIG) contract amounts totaling not to exceed amount of $140,000. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code due to piggybacking; and, B. Authorizing the use of State of California Cooperative Agreement 1-19-70-19D1-1 (Dell/EMC Products - Enterprise Technology); and,approvedPass Action details Not available
23-410 1H.10. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Two Separate Agreements for the Harvesting and Brokerage of Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Application Crops with Big Iron Custom Farming in the Annual Amount of $260,000 for Harvesting Services, and San Joaquin Hay Grower’s Association for Brokerage Services; Each Agreement for a Three (3) Year Term Beginning July 1, 2023, Through June 30, 2026, with an Option to Extend the Agreements for Two (2) Additional One (1) Year Term(s) REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving two separate agreements with Big Iron Custom Farming, in the amount of $260,000, for harvesting services and with San Joaquin Hay Grower’s Association for brokerage services of Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Application fodder crops. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving the agreement with Big Iron Custom Farming, in the annual amount not to exceed $260,000, for the harvesting of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Application Area fodder crops; and, B. Approving the agreement for brokerage services with San Joaquin Valley Hay Growers Association for the brokerage of said capprovedPass Action details Not available
23-422 1H.11. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Special Tax Rates for Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2003-2 (Services) REPORT IN BRIEF Considers setting the Annual Special Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2023-24 for Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2003-2 (Services) for the City of Merced. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving Resolution 2023-45, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, acting as the legislative body of the Community Facilities District No. 2003-2 (Services) of the City of Merced, authorizing the establishment of an annual special tax for said district for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-406 1H.12. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Project List for the Road Repair Accountability Act (SB 1), Local Streets and Roads Funding REPORT IN BRIEF Requests the City Council to approve the list of projects proposed to be funded with Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funds pursuant to SB1 for FY 2023/2024. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2023-42, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, adopting a list of projects for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 funded by SB 1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-469 1H.13. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Award Bid to GSE Construction Company, Inc. for the Merced WWTF Phase VI Project - Headworks Improvements, Project No. CP230035, in the Amount of $3,152,700 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers awarding a Construction Contract to GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $3,152,700 for the Merced WWTF Phase VI Project - Headworks Improvements. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Awarding the Merced WWTF Phase VI Project - Headworks Improvements, Project No. CP230035 to GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $3,152,700; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the necessary documents and to approve change orders not to exceed 10% of the total contract.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-478 1H.14. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of a First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with RSG Inc. for Affordable Housing Consulting Services REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving the First Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with RSG Inc. for Affordable Housing Consulting Services RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving the First Amendment to the Agreement with RSG Inc. for Affordable Housing Consulting Services by extending the end date; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the agreements.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-496 1H.4. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) Fully Equipped All-Terrain Vehicle and Trailer with California Custom Merced Using Funds from the 2022 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program and Merced Police Department Budget REPORT IN BRIEF Considers authorizing to waive the competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 and approving the procurement with California Custom Merced for one fully equipped all-terrain vehicle and trailer using funds from the 2022 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program and Merced Police Department budget. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Waiving the City’s competitive bidding requirement as permitted by Merced Municipal Code section 3.04.210 in order to standardize equipment; and, B. Approving the purchase of one fully equipped all- terrain vehicle and trailer from California Custom Merced; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute any necessary documents; and, D. Authorizing the FapprovedPass Action details Video Video
23-503 1H.15. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Submittal of Joint Applications and Participation in the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) Homekey Grant Program with Two Affordable Housing Developer/Applicants REPORT IN BRIEF Considers adopting resolutions authorizing the submittal of joint applications for participation in HCD Homekey Grant Program with CC915 Merced, Inc. and Shangri-La Industries LLC. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2023-43, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, authorizing a joint application to and participation in the Homekey Program with CC915 Merced, Inc.; and, B. Adopting Resolution 2023-44, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, authorizing a joint application to and participation in the Homekey Program with Shangri-La Industries LLC; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager or Deputy City Manager to execute the Standard Agreements if selected for such funding and any amendments thereto, and any related documents necessary to partiapprovedPass Action details Video Video
23-175 1I.1. Public Hearing ItemSUBJECT: Public Hearing on the Various Maintenance Districts’ Engineer’s Reports and Budgets for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 with Adoption of Resolution for Approval, Confirmation, and Adoption of the Engineer’s Reports for the Various Maintenance Districts as Originally Submitted or as Modified REPORT IN BRIEF Consider adopting a Resolution approving, confirming, and adopting Engineer’s Reports and Budgets for Maintenance Districts after the close of the Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a Motion adopting Resolution 2023-39, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving, confirming, and adopting Engineer’s Reports on Maintenance Districts.approvedPass Action details Video Video
23-498 1I.2. Public Hearing ItemSUBJECT: Public Hearing to Consider Parks and Community Services Updated Fee Schedule REPORT IN BRIEF Hold a public hearing to consider the proposed Parks and Community Services fee schedule. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving Resolution 2023-46, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving Parks and Community Services programs and service fees.approvedPass Action details Video Video
23-464 1I.3. Public Hearing ItemSUBJECT: Continued Public Hearing to Allow Interested Persons to be Heard Regarding the City Council, Public Financing and Economic Development Authority, and Parking Authority Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget, Adoption of the Budget with Revision(s), and Appropriation of the Revenue and Approval of the Capital Projects for Each Respective Budget REPORT IN BRIEF Continued Public Hearing and adoption of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 City Council, Public Financing and Economic Development Authority, and Parking Authority Budget. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2023-47, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Adopting the Budget and Appropriating Revenue for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; and, B. Adopting Resolution 2023-48, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Adopting the Salary Range for the City Manager; and, C. Adopting Resolution 2023-49, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Adopting the Salary Range for the Interim City Attorney; and, D. Adopting Resolution 2023-50, ReapprovedPass Action details Video Video
23-525 1J.1. Report ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Initiating the Formation Proceeding for the Property Based Improvement District for Downtown Merced REPORT IN BRIEF Developed by a coalition of property and business owners, the Downtown Merced Property Based Improvement District is a proposed benefit assessment district designed to enhance safety, maintenance, and beautification programs in Downtown Merced above and beyond those already provided by the City. Petitions signed by property owners representing greater than 50% of the district budget must be received by the City prior to initiating a ballot procedure to officially establish the Property and Business Improvement District for Downtown Merced. The Council is being asked to adopt a resolution of intent to establish the district. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving Resolution 2023-53, a Resolution of Intention of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Initiating Formation Proceedings for the Business Improvements District for Downtown Merced.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-526 1K.1. Business ItemSUBJECT: Council Member Xiong’s Request to Discuss that the City Council Consider a Tenants’ Right to Counsel Ordinance within the City of Merced REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Xiong’s Request to discuss that the City Council consider a Tenants’ Right to Counsel Ordinance within the City of Merced. RECOMMENDATION Provide staff direction related to drafting a Tenants’ Right to Counsel Ordinance for future City Council consideration within the City of Merced.approvedFail Action details Video Video
23-528 1K.2. Business ItemSUBJECT: Council Member Ornelas’ Request to Discuss the Consideration of City Initiated Block Party Trailer Events in Community Violence Impacted Areas REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Ornelas’ request to discuss the consideration of City initiated Block Party Trailer Events in community violence impacted areas of the City of Merced. RECOMMENDATION Provide staff direction related to City initiated use of the Block Party Trailer for events in areas of the community that are impacted by violence throughout the City of Merced.approvedPass Action details Video Video
23-530 1K.3. Business ItemSUBJECT: Council Member Ornelas’ Request to Discuss the Consideration of Launching a Citizenship Campaign REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Ornelas’ request to discuss the consideration of the City Council to approve staff developing a Citizenship Campaign that would promote unity, community accountability. RECOMMENDATION Provide staff direction related to the development of a Citizenship Campaign promoting unity and community accountability.approvedPass Action details Video Video
23-497 1K.4. Business ItemSUBJECT: Council Member Boyle’s Request for Council to Consider Providing City Funding for a Designated Slot as a Member of the Great Valley American Leadership Forum (ALF) Chapter Annually REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Boyle’s request to consider providing City funding for a designated slot as a member of the Great Valley American Leadership Forum (ALF) Chapter annually. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction to staff on next steps.approvedPass Action details Video Video
23-458 1K.5. Business ItemSUBJECT: Request to Add Item to Future Agenda REPORT IN BRIEF Provides members of the City Council to request that an item be placed on a future City Council agenda for initial consideration by the City Council.   Action details Video Video
23-459 1K.6. Business ItemSUBJECT: City Council Comments REPORT IN BRIEF Provides an opportunity for the Mayor and/or Council Member(s) to make a brief announcement on any activity(ies) she/he has attended on behalf of the City and to make a brief announcement on future community events and/or activities. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body under this section.   Action details Video Video