Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Merced Civic Center, 678 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Special Meeting Notice
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-195 1B.1. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: Mansionette Drive and Yosemite Avenue, Merced, CA APN 231-040-021; Agency Negotiators: D. Scott McBride, City Manager, Frank Quintero, Deputy City Manager, Venus Rodriguez, Finance Officer and Craig J. Cornwell, City Attorney; Negotiating Party: V. Beglinger, Cox Castle Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8   Not available Not available
25-196 1B.2. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation. One (1) potential case. Pursuant to California Government Code Section Gov. Code § 54956.9(d)(2)   Not available Not available
25-156 1F.1. Ceremonial Matter ItemSUBJECT: Proclamation - Gateway Quilters’ Guild REPORT IN BRIEF Received by a representative from the Gateway Quilters’ Guild.   Not available Not available
25-157 1F.2. Ceremonial Matter ItemSUBJECT: Recognition of University of California, Merced Student Maddison Crump for Being a Recipient of This Year’s Regents Foster Youth Award REPORT IN BRIEF The City Council will recognize Maddison Crump.   Not available Not available
25-040 1I.1. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Reading by Title of All Ordinances and Resolutions REPORT IN BRIEF Ordinances and Resolutions which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and a summary title may be read with further reading waived. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion waiving the reading of Ordinances and Resolutions, pursuant to Section 412 of the Merced City Charter.   Not available Not available
25-183 1I.2. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only Contracts for the Month of February 2025 REPORT IN BRIEF Notification of awarded Non-Public Works contracts under $38,000 and of Public Works contracts under $85,161.   Not available Not available
25-147 1I.3. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only - Traffic Committee Minutes of November 4, 2024 RECOMMENDATION For information only.   Not available Not available
25-127 1I.4. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2024 REPORT IN BRIEF Official adoption of previously held meeting minutes. RECOMMENDATION City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency - Adopt a motion approving the meeting minutes of October 7, 2024.   Not available Not available
25-091 1I.5. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Services Agreement with Vestis Services, LLC, in the Annual Amount of $97,750 for Uniform Rental and Cleaning Services of Work Apparel and Miscellaneous Items for a Two (2) Year Term Beginning July 1, 2025 Through June 30, 2027, with an Option to Extend the Agreement for Three (3) Additional One (1) Year Term(s) Through June 30, 2030 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving a Services Agreement with Vestis Services, LLC, in the annual amount of $97,750 for uniform rental and cleaning services of work apparel and miscellaneous items for the Public Works, Airport, and Parks and Recreation Departments. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving the services agreement with Vestis Services, LLC, in the annual amount of $97,750 for uniform rental and cleaning services of work apparel and miscellaneous items for a period of two-years, with an option to renew for a maximum of (3) three additional one-year periods; and, B. Approving future amendments to adjust the number of uniforms and miscellaneous items provided based on staffing levels, or changes i   Not available Not available
25-018 1I.6. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval to Wave Competitive Bidding Requirements and Approval of a Government Services Multi-Channel Sales Agreement and Addendum No. 1 with Iron Planet, Inc. DBA Govplanet REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving to waive competitive bidding, approving an agreement and Addendum No. 1 with Iron Planet, Inc. DBA Govplanet to continue using its online marketplace to sell City of Merced surplus vehicles, equipment, and other miscellaneous surplus items as needed via online auction. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Waving the competitive bidding process based on Merced Municipal Code Section 3.04.210 which states it may be waived with the approval of the city council; and, B. Approving the Sales Agreement and Addendum No. 1 with Iron Planet, Inc. DBA Govplanet; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Not available
25-152 1I.7. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of a Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Professional Services with Goldman Magdalin Straatsma, LLP REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving a Fourth Amendment to an Agreement for workers’ compensation litigation matters to adjust the hourly compensation rate. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Fourth Amendment to an Agreement for Professional Services with Goldman Magdalin Straatsma, LLP; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Not available
25-180 1I.8. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of the Fifth Amendment with Hanson Bridgett, LLP, the Third Amendment with Wilke Fleury, LLP, and the Second Amendment with Prentice Long, PC for a Total Amount not to Exceed $235,000 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving the Fifth Amendment with Hanson Bridgett, LLP, the Third Amendment with Wilke Fleury, LLP, and the Second Amendment with Prentice Long, PC for a total amount not to exceed $235,000. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Fifth Amendment to an Agreement for Professional Services with Hanson Bridgett LLP in an amount not to exceed $95,000; and, B. Approving a Third Amendment to an Agreement with Wilke Fleury, LLP in an amount not to exceed $80,000; and, C. Approving a First Amendment to a Legal Services Agreement with Prentice Long, PC in an amount not to exceed $60,000; and, D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Not available
25-144 1I.9. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Allocation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Program Resources and Approval of Associated Subrecipient Agreement with Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project for the Acquisition/Rehabilitation "Supportive Housing Project" Approved with the Amended 2024 Annual Action Plan REPORT IN BRIEF Considers authorizing the execution of Program Year 2024-25 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subrecipient Agreement with Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project ($586,381). RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving an agreement for the program identified in the amended 2024 HUD Annual Action Plan using Fiscal Year 2024-25 CDBG funds with Sierra Saving Grace Homeless Project in the amount of $586,381 for the Acquisition/Rehabilitation “Supportive Housing Project” Program; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute, and if necessary, direct staff to make minor modifications to the agreement as described above and as attached, and all associated documents and exhibits.   Not available Not available
25-163 1I.10. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Modified Resolution Authorizing the Previously Approved Homekey+ Grant Application with Up Holdings California, LLC and UP Mercy Village LP and Rescinding Resolution 2025-06 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers adopting a modified resolution due to changes desired by the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) authorizing the submittal of a joint application for participation in HCD Homekey+ Grant Program with Up Holdings California, LLC and UP Mercy Village LP and Rescinding Resolution 2025-06. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Rescinding previously approved Resolution 2025-06; and, B. Adopting Resolution 2025-15, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, rescinding Resolution No. 2025-06 and authorizing a Joint Application and Participation in the Homekey Program; the execution of a standard agreement if selected for such funding and any amendments thereto; and any related documents necessary to participate in the Homekey Program; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Standard Agreements if sele   Not available Not available
25-135 1I.11. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Street Closure Request #25-04 by the Merced County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to Host a Vendor Fair Event (El Mercado), Located on N Street Between W. Main Street and W. 19th Street, on Thursday, April 3, 2025, and Thursday May 1, 2025, From 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Consideration of a Request for a City of Merced Co-Sponsorship REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving a request by the Merced County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for the closure and use of City streets on Thursday, April 3, 2025, and Thursday, May 1, 2025, for a Vendor Fair Event (El Mercado). The request seeks approval to close N Street Between W. Main Street and W. 19th Street from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The application also includes a request for City of Merced Co-Sponsorship. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving the street closure of N Street between W. Main Street and W. 19th Street, on Thursday, April 3, 2025, and Thursday May 1, 2025, from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; and, Should the City Council decide to Co-Sponsor the Event City Council - Adopt a Motion B. Ap   Not available Not available
25-149 1I.12. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Approving Final Map #5424 for Crossing at River Oaks Phase 6, Subdivision for 20 Lots at Coffee Street and Childs Avenue, and the Approval of the Subdivision Agreement for the Crossing at River Oaks Phase 6 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers adopting the Final Map #5424 for 20 lots, located between Coffee Street and Campus Parkway, south of Childs Avenue, and the Subdivision Agreement for the Crossing at River Oaks, Phase 6 Subdivision. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving Resolution 2025-13, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving the Final Subdivision Map for the Crossing at River Oaks, Phase 6 Subdivision (#5424); and, B. Approving the Subdivision Agreement for the Crossing at River Oaks, Phase 6 Subdivision; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.   Not available Not available
25-151 1I.13. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Approving Final Map #5422 for Bellevue Ranch West Villages 18 - 22, Phase 4 Subdivision for 76 Single-Family Lots, Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of M Circle and Bellevue Road, and the Approval of the Subdivision Agreement for Bellevue Ranch West Villages 18 - 22, Phase 4 Subdivision REPORT IN BRIEF Considers adopting Final Map #5422 for 76 single-family lots, located at the southwest corner of M Circle and Bellevue Road, and the subdivision agreement for the Bellevue Ranch West Villages 18 - 22, Phase 4 Subdivision. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving Resolution 2025-14, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving the Final Subdivision Map for Bellevue Ranch West Villages 18 - 22, Phase 4 Subdivision (#5422); and, B. Approving the Subdivision Agreement for the Bellevue Ranch West Villages 18 - 22, Phase 4 Subdivision; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.   Not available Not available
25-129 1J.1. Action ItemsSUBJECT: Report for Discussion on Preliminary Annexation Application #24-03 for the Old Dominion Annexation REPORT IN BRIEF The City Council will be asked to evaluate Preliminary Annexation Application #24-03 for the Old Dominion Annexation project. The proposed annexation consists of approximately 260.5 acres, with a developed area of 170.3 acres. The project will include mixed-use development generally located north of Bellevue Road, between G Street and Golf Road, south of Farmland Road. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion indicating general support for an official annexation application being processed for the Old Dominion Annexation project.   Not available Not available
25-177 1K.1. Report ItemSUBJECT: Accept the Report on a Potential Rental Registry Program and Provide Direction REPORT IN BRIEF Considers accepting the report on a potential rental registry program and provide direction. RECOMMENDATION Accept the report on a potential rental registry program and provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
25-159 1L.1. Business ItemSUBJECT: Council Member Dupont’s Request to Discuss the City Council Policy C-1 How Members of the City Council and the Public Have Items Placed on the City Council Agenda REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Dupont’s Request to Discuss the City Council Policy C-1 How Members of the City Council and the Public Have Items Placed on the City Council Agenda. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction to staff on the next steps.   Not available Not available
25-046 1L.2. Business ItemSUBJECT: Request to Add Item to Future Agenda REPORT IN BRIEF Provides members of the City Council to request that an item be placed on a future City Council agenda for initial consideration by the City Council.   Not available Not available
25-051 1L.3. Business ItemSUBJECT: City Council Comments REPORT IN BRIEF Provides an opportunity for the Mayor and/or Council Member(s) to make a brief announcement on any activity(ies) she/he has attended on behalf of the City and to make a brief announcement on future community events and/or activities. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body under this section.   Not available Not available