Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/2/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Merced Civic Center, 678 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1190 1B.1. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION City of Merced v. Merced-Mariposa District Council of St. Vincent De Paul Society, et al., Case Number 18CV-03052 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)   Not available Not available
24-1121 1H.1. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Reading by Title of All Ordinances and Resolutions REPORT IN BRIEF Ordinances and Resolutions which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and a summary title may be read with further reading waived. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion waiving the reading of Ordinances and Resolutions, pursuant to Section 412 of the Merced City Charter.   Not available Not available
24-1132 1H.2. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only Contracts for the Month of November 2024 REPORT IN BRIEF Notification of awarded Non-Public Works contracts under $38,000 and of Public Works contracts under $85,161.   Not available Not available
24-1122 1H.3. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2024, and June 3, 2024 REPORT IN BRIEF Official adoption of previously held meeting minutes. RECOMMENDATION City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency - Adopt a motion approving the meeting minutes of May 20, 2024, and June 3, 2024.   Not available Not available
24-1134 1H.4. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of a Three-Year Contract for RecTrac Management Software, Support, Hosting, and Migration Services with Vermont Systems in the Amount of $54,154 and a 5% Contingency of $2,708 for a Total Contracted Amount of $56,862 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving to waive the competitive bid process and approving procurement through Vermont Systems’ multiyear contract in a not to exceed amount of $56,862. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving to waive the competitive bidding requirements as stated in Section 3.04.210 of the Merced Municipal Code for standardization; and, B. Approving the Services Agreement with Vermont Systems; and, C. Approving the Hosting Services Agreement (HSA) with Vermont Systems; and, D. Approving the PayTrac Payment Services Addendum (PTPSA) with Vermont Systems; and, E. Approving the Sub-Merchant Application and Agreement (SMAA) with Vermont Systems; and, F. Approving the Terms of Service (TOS) with Vermont Systems; and, G. Approving the Annual Services Quote with Vermont Systems; and, H. Approving the Hardware   Not available Not available
24-1165 1H.5. Action ItemsSUBJECT: Administering Agency Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) for a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Grant CML-5085(049) for Use of $114,842 in Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment to Supplement the Construction Phase Funding for Project No. CP190043 - Motel Drive Multi-Use Path REPORT IN BRIEF Considers accepting $114,842 in Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment for construction of an eight-foot-wide concrete pedestrian/bicycle multi-use pathway along Motel Drive from Merced Avenue to Carol Avenue. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment funds; increasing revenue in Fund 5005-Street and Signal CIP in the amount of $114,842 in Fiscal Year 2023-24 and appropriating the same to Project No. CP190043 for costs associated with the construction of the Motel Drive Multi-Use Path; and, B. Approving the use of pooled cash until reimbursement is received from the grant; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Not available
24-1166 1H.6. Action ItemsSUBJECT: Administering Agency Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) for a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Grant CML-5085(050) for Use of $30,117 in Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment to Supplement the Construction Phase Funding for Project No. CP190069 - Sidewalks R Street, S Street, T Street, and Stuart Drive REPORT IN BRIEF Considers accepting $30,117 in Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment for construction of sidewalks located on R Street, S Street, T Street, and Stuart Drive. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting Post-Programming CMAQ Carryover Apportionment funds; increasing revenue in Fund 5005-Street and Signal CIP in the amount of $30,117 in Fiscal Year 2023-24 and appropriating the same to Project No. CP190069 for costs associated with the construction of sidewalks located on R Street, S Street, T Street, and Stuart Drive; and, B. Approving the use of pooled cash until reimbursement is received from the grant; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Not available
24-1012 1H.7. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Allocation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Program Resources and Approval of Associated Subrecipient Agreements with Sierra Saving Grace ($60,000), and Harvest Time ($40,000) the Respective Programs Approved with the Adopted 2024 Annual Action Plan REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving and authorizing Program Year 2024-25 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subrecipient Agreements with Sierra Saving Grace for $60,000 and Harvest Time for $40,000. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Subrecipient Agreement for the program identified in the 2024 Annual Action Plan using Fiscal Year 2024-25 CDBG funds with Sierra Saving Grace in the amount of $60,000 for the “Emergency Assistance” Program; and, B. Approving a Subrecipient Agreement for the program identified in the 2024 Annual Action Plan using Fiscal Year 2024-25 CDBG funds with Harvest Time for the “Food 4 You” program in the amount of $40,000; and, C. Authorizing the City Manager to execute, and if necess   Not available Not available
24-1173 1I.1. Public Hearing ItemSUBJECT: Public Hearing and Adoption of a Resolution to Consider Public Input Regarding the Establishment and Levying of an Assessment for the Formation of a Tourism Based Improvement District (TBID) as Authorized in Merced City Council Resolution 2024-92 REPORT IN BRIEF The Council is being asked to hold a public hearing for public input regarding the establishment and levying of an assessment to create a Tourism Businesses Improvement District (TBID) as contained in Merced City Council Resolution 2024-92. RECOMMENDATION: City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2024-112, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Declaring Results of the Majority Protest Proceedings and Establishing the Tourism Business Improvement District; and, B. Adopting and approving the Merced Tourism Business Improvement District Management Plan; and, C. Approving the Assessment for the Merced Tourism Business Improvement District; and, D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents; and, E. Approving the creation of Fund 4951-TBID and al   Not available Video Video
24-964 1J.1. Action ItemsSUBJECT: Approval of a Supplemental Appropriation in the General Fund of Unspent Funding Received Through the National Opioid Settlement Program Plus Interest in the Amount of $199,452.04 for Opioid Abatement Program Expenditures REPORT IN BRIEF Consider approving a Supplemental Appropriation in the General Fund of Unspent Funding Received Through the National Opioid Settlement Program plus interest in the amount of $199,452.04 for Opioid Abatement Program Expenditures. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Supplemental Appropriation of $199,453 from National Opioid Settlement plus interest in the General Fund-Police Department; and, B. Authorizing the acceptance of any future Opioid Settlement revenues and appropriating those amounts for Opioid Abatement program expenditures; and, C. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make necessary budget adjustments; and, D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Video Video
24-942 1J.2. Action ItemsSUBJECT: Approving a Design & Build Professional Services Agreement with All About Building, Inc. for the Design & Construction of Work Outlined at Merced Applegate Zoo in a not to Exceed Amount of $1,800,000 REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving the agreement for site design and construction of work outlined in the Design & Build Services Agreement for an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 with All About Building, Inc. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Design Build Professional Services agreement with All About Building, Inc., in a not to exceed amount of $1,800,000 for design and construction services; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.   Not available Video Video
24-1119 1K.1. Business ItemSUBJECT: Request to Add Item to Future Agenda REPORT IN BRIEF Provides members of the City Council to request that an item be placed on a future City Council agenda for initial consideration by the City Council.   Not available Video Video
24-1120 1K.2. Business ItemSUBJECT: City Council Comments REPORT IN BRIEF Provides an opportunity for the Mayor and/or Council Member(s) to make a brief announcement on any activity(ies) she/he has attended on behalf of the City and to make a brief announcement on future community events and/or activities. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body under this section.   Not available Video Video