Meeting Name: City Council/Public Finance and Economic Development Authority/Parking Authority Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/2/2018 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, Merced Civic Center, 678 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340
Published agenda: Full Agenda Packet Full Agenda Packet Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-154 1B.1. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2): (1) case   Action details Not available
18-158 1B.2. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS -- Agency Designated Representative: City Manager Steve Carrigan; Employee Organization: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 57; Local 2703; International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1479; Merced Association of City Employees (MACE). AUTHORITY: Government Code Section 54957.6   Action details Not available
18-159 1B.3. Closed Session ItemSUBJECT: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS -- Agency Designated Representative: City Manager Steve Carrigan; Unrepresented Management AUTHORITY: Government Code Section 54957.6   Action details Not available
18-172 1F.1. Ceremonial Matter ItemSUBJECT: Proclamation - Adult Education Day REPORT IN BRIEF Received by Steve Hobbs Merced Adult School Principal.   Action details Video Video
18-156 1F.2. Ceremonial Matter ItemSUBJECT: Proclamation - Sexual Assault Awareness Month REPORT IN BRIEF Received by Chee Yang, Valley Crisis Center   Action details Video Video
18-134 1I.1. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Reading by Title of All Ordinances and Resolutions REPORT IN BRIEF Ordinances and Resolutions which appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title and a summary title may be read with further reading waived. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion waiving the reading of Ordinances and Resolutions, pursuant to Section 412 of the Merced City Charter.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-153 1I.2. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information-Only Contracts REPORT IN BRIEF Notification of awarded Non-Public Works contracts under $30,000 and of Public Works contracts under $67,779. AUTHORITY Pursuant to the authority delegated to the City Manager on behalf of the City by Article XI, Section 1109, of the Merced City Charter to execute Public Works contracts under the adjusted FY 2017-2018 threshold of $67,779.00, and Chapter 3.04.080 - 3.04.110 of the Merced Municipal Code to execute Non-Public Works contracts under the adjusted FY 2017-2018 threshold of $30,000.00, the contracts listed on the attached table were entered into by the City.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-117 1I.3. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only-Bicycle Advisory Commission Minutes of December 12, 2017 RECOMMENDATION For information only.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-130 1I.4. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Information Only - Planning Commission Minutes of February 21, 2018 RECOMMENDATION For information only.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-176 1I.5. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Traffic Committee Minutes of January 9, 2018 RECOMMENDATION For information only.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-155 1I.6. Consent ItemSUBJECT: City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2018 and March 8, 2018 REPORT IN BRIEF Official adoption of previously held meeting minutes. RECOMMENDATION City Council/Public Financing and Economic Development/Parking Authority - Adopt a motion approving the meeting minutes of March 5, 2018 and March 8, 2018.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-164 1I.8. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Resolution Implementing Local Business Preference Policy REPORT IN BRIEF Resolution implementing a policy that allows for a 5% local preference when purchasing goods and services from vendors. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2018-18, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, adopting a Local Business Preference Policy.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-174 1I.9. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of Two Agreements for Professional Services with Tait Environmental Services, Inc., for a Commodities Flow Study and a Community Risk Assessment Plan and Approval to Waive the Competitive Bidding Requirement Which May Be Waived For Professional Services REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving two agreements for professional services with Tait Environmental Services, Inc., for a Commodities Flow Study and a Community Risk Assessment Plan. The work will be paid for by Cal OES Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Program grant funds ($55,000) that the City Council accepted on October 16, 2017. Also considers waiving the competitive bidding requirement as the work being performed is a professional service. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving a Professional Services Agreement for $29,694 with Tait Environmental Services, Inc. for a Commodities Flow Study; and, B. Approving a Professional Services Agreement for $14,951 with Tait Environmental Services, Inc. for a Community Risk Assessment Plan; and, C. Waiving the Competitive Bidding approvedPass Action details Not available
18-150 1I.10. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Request to Set a Public Hearing for the 2018 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan REPORT IN BRIEF Request to set a Public Hearing for Monday, April 16, 2018, to consider the 2018 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion setting a Public Hearing for Monday, April 16, 2018, to consider the Housing and Urban Development Annual Action Plan.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-121 1I.13. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Funding From the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Incentive Program REPORT IN BRIEF Consider the acceptance of grant funding in the amount of $86,749.65 from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) to reimburse the City for the purchase of electric vehicles. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting the grant award and increasing the revenue budget in account 001-1002-324.02-00 by $86,749.65; and, B. Appropriating the same to 001-1002-523.43-00; and, C. Approving the use of pooled cash until reimbursement from the grant is received; and, D. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-148 1I.15. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Street Closure for Youth Sports Parade REPORT IN BRIEF Street closure request for the Youth Sports Parade on Saturday, April 14, 2018. RECOMMENDATION Council - Adopt a motion approving the street closures of W. Main Street, from “G” Street to “O” Street, including side streets, and “O” Street from W. Main Street to W. 21st Street, as requested by Merced Golden Lions for the Youth Sports Parade on Saturday, April 14, 2018. Street closures will be from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., subject to the conditions outlined in the administrative report.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-545 1I.16. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 1 - Final Map 5358 REPORT IN BRIEF The City Council will consider approval of Final Map #5358, generally located at the southwest corner of M Street and Arrow Wood Drive (extended), and the Subdivision Agreement for Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 1, along with a Deferred Improvement Agreement for a traffic signal and bike path. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving Resolution 2018-16, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving the Final Subdivision Map for Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 1 Subdivision (#5358); and, B. Approving the Subdivision Agreement for Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 1; and, C. Approving the Deferred Improvement Agreement for the deferral of certain improvements related to Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 1, between the City of Merced and Stonefield Home, Inc.; and, D. Approving a Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Merced and Stonefield Home, Inc. for the installation of a traffic signal at Cardella Road and M SapprovedPass Action details Not available
17-548 1I.17. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 2 - Final Map 5359 REPORT IN BRIEF The City Council will consider approval of Final Map #5359 for Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 2, generally located at the southwest corner of M Street and Arrow Wood Drive (extended). RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Approving Resolution 2018-17, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving the Final Subdivision Map for the Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 2 Subdivision (#5359); and, B. Approving the Subdivision Agreement for “Bellevue Ranch West, Village 12, Phase 2,” between the City of Merced and Stonefield Home, Inc., (property owner); and, C. Authorizing the City Manager or the Assistant City Manager to execute the Subdivision Agreement.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-118 1I.18. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Street Closure Request #18-05 for the Merced County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to Host the Second Annual Merced Cowboy/Vaquero 5-Kilometer and Kids’ Half-Mile Runs REPORT IN BRIEF Consider a request for the use of City streets and Bob Hart Square on Saturday, May 19, 2018, for a 5K and Half-Mile runs. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving the street closures of W. Main Street (between H and Q Streets), Q Street (between W. Main and W. 19th Streets), W. 19th Street (between Q and O Streets) O Street (between W. 19th and W. 21st Streets), W. 21st Street (between O and Q Streets) Q Street (between W. 21st and W. 23rd Streets), W. 23rd Street (between Q and H Streets), H Street (between W. 23rd and W. 21st Streets), W. 21st Street (between H and I Streets), I Street (between W. 21st and W. 19th Streets), W. 19th Street (between I and H Streets), H Street (between W. 19th and W. Main Streets), and the use of Bob Hart Square, as detailed in the staff report. The event will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018, from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (event time from 7:30approvedPass Action details Not available
17-590 1I.19. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Improvement Maintenance Agreement within State Highway Right of Way on Route 59 within the City of Merced for State Highway 59 Multi-Use Path Crossing Project 115047 REPORT IN BRIEF Approves an agreement with the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, to establish terms and conditions for the City responsibility for the improvements placed within the State Highway right of way on State Route 59, constructed by the ATPL (045) State Highway 59 Multi-use Path Crossing Project 115047. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving the Improvement Maintenance Agreement, and authorizing the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-096 1I.20. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Amendment Modification Summary (E-76) for Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 1 Grant for the Construction Phase of the Highway 59 Multi-Use Pathway Crossing Project 115047 REPORT IN BRIEF Consideration of acceptance and appropriation of $834,000.00 in ATP Grant funding for the construction costs associated with the pedestrian crossing project on Highway 59 at the BNSF RR crossing. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting grant revenue from ATP (Caltrans) for construction cost associated with the pedestrian crossing project on Highway 59 at the BNSF RR crossing; increasing revenue account 450-1104-321-17-00, Proj 115047 in the amount of $834,000; and, B. Appropriating the same to account 450-1104-637-65-00- Project 115047 Highway 59 Multi Use Pathway Crossing; and, C. Approving the use of pooled cash until reimbursement from the grant is received; and, D. Authorizing the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-641 1I.21. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Agreement for Use of Easement with Porges Properties 1, LLC, a California Limited Company for a Proposed Prime Shine Car Wash on 16th Street REPORT IN BRIEF Consider approving the Agreement for Use of Easement with the property owner to allow certain private improvements, as specified in the attached agreement, to be installed on the existing City easement for a future development project. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving the Agreement for Use of Easement with Porges Properties 1, LLC, a California Limited Company; and, authorizing the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-490 1I.22. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Award Bid to Rolfe Construction Company for the B Street Sewer Main Replacement Project 116013 REPORT IN BRIEF Consider awarding a construction contract to Rolfe Construction in the amount of $811,785.00 for the replacement of sewer main along B Street. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Awarding the B Street Sewer Main Replacement Project 116013 to Rolfe Construction Company of Atwater, Ca, in the amount of $811,785.00; and, B. Authorizing the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute the necessary documents and to approve change orders not to exceed 10% of the total contract; and, C. Authorizing the Finance Officer to make necessary budget adjustments.approvedPass Action details Not available
18-132 1I.7. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement between the City of Merced and Merced Main Street Association in the Amount of $60,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 REPORT IN BRIEF Agreement between the City of Merced and Merced Main Street Association to provide services to the Downtown Business Improvement Area during Fiscal Year 2017-2018. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion approving an agreement with the Merced Main Street Association for Downtown Services for 2017-2018 in the amount of $60,000.00, and authorizing the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute the necessary documents.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-141 1I.11. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Approval of an Update to the City’s Investment Policy REPORT IN BRIEF Considers approving an update to the City’s Investment Policy. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2018-22, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, adopting Investment Policy.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-138 1I.12. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Revenue Stabilization Fund Policy and Economic Development Opportunity Fund Policy REPORT IN BRIEF Consider adopting the Revenue Stabilization Fund Policy and Economic Development Opportunity Fund Policy. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Adopting Resolution 2018-19, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, adopting Revenue Stabilization Fund Policy; and B. Adopting Resolution 2018-20, A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Merced, California, adopting Economic Development Opportunity Fund Policy.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-135 1I.14. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Accept and Appropriate Donated Funds for Police K9 Unit REPORT IN BRIEF Accept private person donations from Mary Allison ($100, unspecified), North Merced Rotary ($1,000 for Safe Kids ID), John Bankson $2,000 (for K9), and William/Jung Purcell ($100, unspecified) and appropriate to specified accounts. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting donations totaling $3,200 for the Police Department and Police K9 Unit; and, B. Increasing Police Revenue Account #001-1001-360.02-01, “Contributions and Donations,” in the amount of $3,200 and appropriating to expense accounts: $1,000 to 001-1037-522.29-00 (Public Relations), and $2,200 to 001-1027-522.29-00 (K9).approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-142 1J.1. Public Hearing ItemSUBJECT: Public Hearing - Repeal of Regional Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance REPORT IN BRIEF The City Council will consider the repeal of the Regional Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance (Merced Municipal Code Chapter 17.64). RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion introducing Ordinance No. 2487, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, Repealing Chapter 17.64 of the Merced Municipal Code relating to the Regional Transportation Impact Fees.continuedPass Action details Video Video
18-166 1K.1. Report ItemSUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution for an Exemption to CalPERS 180-Day Wait Period to Hire a Temporary Dispatcher Pursuant to Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21224 REPORT IN BRIEF Adoption of a resolution approving the hiring of Lisa Linares as an extra-help retired annuitant to perform the duties of a Temporary Dispatcher under Government Code sections 7522.56 and 21224, effective April 5, 2018. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2018-21, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, approving an exception to the CALPERS 180-day wait period pursuant to Government Code sections 7522.56 and 21224.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-149 1K.2. Report ItemSUBJECT: 2017 California Housing Legislative Update REPORT IN BRIEF Council Member Belluomini requested that staff provide the Council with a presentation on the 15 housing bills signed into law by Governor Brown in 2017. Staff has attached a detailed overview of the new housing legislation and will present a summary to the Council as requested.   Action details Video Video
18-128 1K.3. Report ItemSUBJECT: Acceptance of Ballot Proceeding Voting Results for the Northwood Village, East College Homes, Moss Landing, and Ridgeview Meadows Maintenance Districts; Approval of Annual Increase in Assessment Levy to the Moss Landing Maintenance District and Approval of No Increases to the Northwood Village, East College Homes and Ridgeview Meadows Maintenance Districts REPORT IN BRIEF Acceptance of ballot results on the proposed increase in annual assessment levy to property owners in the Northwood Village, East College Homes, Moss Landing, and Ridgeview Meadows Maintenance Districts. Approves an annual increase in assessment levy to the Moss Landing Maintenance District; subject to annual Consumer Price Index adjustments and approves no increase in annual assessment levies to Northwood Village, East College Homes, and Ridgeview Meadows Maintenance Districts with the previous year’s annual assessment remaining in effect. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion: A. Accepting assessment ballot proceeding results for the Northwood Village, East College Homes, Moss Landing, and RiapprovedPass Action details Video Video
18-127 1K.4. Report ItemSUBJECT: Sewer Master Plan Discussion REPORT IN BRIEF Seeks Council direction on finalizing the draft Sewer Master Plan. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction to staff on finalization of the draft Sewer Master Plan, provide approval to begin the CEQA environmental process, and direct staff to explore financing options to support the construction of the plan.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-165 1L.1. Consent ItemSUBJECT: Request to Discontinue all Work on an Ordinance for Meeting Decorum and Conduct REPORT IN BRIEF This item is in response to Council’s request to have staff discontinue all work in drafting an ordinance regarding decorum and conduct at Council Meetings. RECOMMENDATION City Council - Adopt a motion directing staff to discontinue all work related to a decorum and conduct ordinance for Council Meetings.approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-173 1L.2. Consent ItemSUBJECT: City Council Downtown Subcommittee REPORT IN BRIEF This item is in response to Mayor Pro-Tempore McLeod’s request to discuss the formation of a Council subcommittee to meet with other local municipalities with successful downtown areas. RECOMMENDATION Select Council subcommittee and direct staff as needed.   Action details Video Video