Report Prepared by: Lorraine M. Carrasquillo, Public Works Supervisor, Water Quality Control
SUBJECT: Agreement with Eurofins Eaton Analytical for General Laboratory Services
Consider entering into a three (3) year agreement with Eurofins Eaton Analytical Laboratory (Eurofins) for general laboratory testing services.
City Council - Adopt a motion awarding a three year agreement with Eurofins Eaton Analytical Laboratory for general laboratory testing services; and, authorizing the City Manager to execute all the necessary documents.
1. Approve, as recommended by Staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to modifications as conditioned by Council; or
3. Deny; or
4. Refer to Staff for reconsideration of specific items; or,
5. Continue to a future meeting.
Article III of Title 3 of the Merced Municipal Code for purchases over Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, Section 3.04.120.
As provided for in the FY 2016-17 Proposed Budget.
Under federal and state law, the City of Merced is required to perform a variety of laboratory tests for water, wastewater and biosolids. The Wastewater Treatment Facility’s (WWTF) in-house laboratory is certified to perform some of these standard water and wastewater tests.
The majority of the tests performed at the WWTF are for conventional pollutants. These pollutants; such as suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms and pH; levels, are normally found in domestic, commercial, and industrial wastes.
Federal and state regulations also require the City to test for non-conventional pollutants. These pollutants may be toxic in nature, such as heavy metals that include lead, copper, and zinc; organics, such as tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride and acetone. The City’s laboratory is not equipped for testing non-conventional pollutants. These tests are more complex and require sophisticated equipment and expanded training.
On January 15, 2016, Water Quality Control staff sent Request for Proposals to Twenty State-certified laboratories. Five (5) qualified laboratories responded to the Request for Proposal. All requests were reviewed for content. During the review process, several components were used to evaluate the proposal, i.e., test methods offered, timeliness of report turnaround, proximity to the City of Merced and Professional certifications, education, and references.
The following is a total summary cost to the City for their services:
Laboratory Location Proposed Cost
Eurofins Eaton Analytical Laboratory Fresno, CA $118,663.00
Eurofins Eaton Analytical Laboratory was the lowest bid received and met all qualifications.
Funds are in the proposed annual budget: 553-1109-532.17-00
1. Exhibit A Request for Proposal
2. Exhibit B Scope of Services- Quote
3. Exhibit C Fee Schedule
4. Contract with Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc.