Report Prepared by: Julie Nelson, Associate Planner, Planning Department
SUBJECT: Public Hearing - 205 East 16th Street - General Plan Amendment #16-01 and Zone Change #423
Request to amend the General Plan designation from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to High Density Residential (HD) and change the Zoning designation from Thoroughfare Commercial (C-T) to R-4 for an approximately 1.1 acre parcel located at 205 East 16th Street.
City Council - Adopt one of the following recommendations:
To Approve the Request:
A. Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2016-16 ,a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, approving a Negative Declaration for General Plan Amendment #16-01 and Zone Change #423 for the approximately 1.1 acre parcel located on the north side of East 16th Street approximately 245 feet east of G Street (205 East 16th Street), and approving a General Plan Amendment for the same parcel of land to change the General Plan designation from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to High Density Residential (HD); and,
B. Introducing Ordinance 2460, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Merced, California, amending the Official Zoning Map by Rezoning an approximately 1.1 acre parcel located on the north side of East 16th Street, approximately 245 feet east of G Street (205 East 16th Street), from Thoroughfare Commercial (C-T) to Conditional R-4; and,
C. Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Developer Agreement.
To Deny the Request (Planning Commission Recommendation):
A. Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2016-17, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California denying a Negative Declaration for General Plan Amendment #16-01 and Zone Change #423, and denying General Plan Amendment #16-01 requesting to change the General Plan designation from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to High Density Residential (HD) for an approximately 1.1 acre parcel located...
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