Report Prepared by: Michelle Reid, Recreation Supervisor, Parks & Community Services
SUBJECT: Youth Center Providers’ Mid-Year Activity Reports
Non-Profits that are operating in City Youth Centers will give a mid-year activity report on their programming in their respective City facility. Each provider will cover topics such as number of youth served, service location(s), camps that were offered over breaks, facility needs/updates, as well as successes and setbacks experienced over the course of the 2022/2023 contract year.
Recreation and Parks Commission - Information Only
Charter of the City of Merced Section 200 & Chapter 17.380.60 of the MMC.
2022/2023- Parks- Continue to explore opportunities for increased accessibility for all residents.
Youth Center Providers will provide the Recreation and Parks Commission their mid-year activity reports to highlight who they are serving, showcase their efforts, discuss setbacks, and explain program outcomes.
It is the intent for these reports to be used in conjunction with mid-year, in person reports to the Recreation and Parks Commission in January of each year (February for 2023), and to be given to City Council in May of each year to consider Lessee requests for extensions. Reports will help the Recreation and Parks Commission to make informed decisions when considering any requests for lease extensions by current lessees.
Current lessees include Merced County Boys and Girls Club, Students With Aspiring Goals, Symple Equazion, Restorative Justice League w/ Love Faith Hope, and Challenged Family Resource Center.
1. Mid Year Activity Report from Lessee’s