Report Prepared by: Joe Cardoso, P.L.S, City Surveyor, Engineering Department
SUBJECT: Granting Abutter's Right to the Merced Holdings, LLC for the Hub Planned Development Project Located on McKee Road and Yosemite Avenue
Considers restoring abutter's rights of access that were relinquished and released by Grant Deed (Vol. 2611, Page 583, M.C.R.) to be restored to Merced Holdings, LLC., for purposes of completing the Hub Planned Development Project.
City Council - Adopt a motion adopting Resolution 2023-07, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Merced, California approving grant of abutter's rights and authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer.
1. Approve, as recommended by staff; or,
2. Approve, subject to other than recommended; or,
3. Deny; or,
4. Refer to the City Manager for reconsideration of specific items; or,
5. Continue to future meeting.
City of Merced Charter, Section 200.
As provided for in the 2022-23 Adopted Budget.
In 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Merced adopted Resolutions #4035 (attachment #2) and #4036 (attachment #3) approving Conditional Use Permit #1238 and Site Plan Review #455, respectively. The entitlements allow for the construction of a mixed-use development consisting of 214 apartment units and approximately 37,000 square feet of commercial uses (retail and office) within four buildings on approximately 5.94-acre parcel generally located at the southeast corner of Yosemite Avenue and McKee Road ("Hub Planned Development Project"). Merced Holdings, LLC., is the developer of the Hub Planned Development Project.
Prior to the development, the previous owner relinquished and released all but 30 feet of their abutter's rights of access to McKee Road as described in the Grant Deed to Merced County recorded on May 29, 1987 in Volume 2611, Official Rec...
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